corporate fucking personhood. not that it exists but the friggin false idea that it should and any belief system that lead or may ever lead to it.
corporate fucking personhood. not that it exists but the friggin false idea that it should and any belief system that lead or may ever lead to it.
Thoughts like this fill my mind constantly.
If I am expected to obey the law then I expect everyone to obey the law. If those in charge do not obey then I should not have to obey the law.
this is fricking awesome.
It is for me. Heck im loathe to get help from firends and family. I think its jsut and independence thing.
thats exactly what I mean actually. basically a sun dress.
Back at the start of the millenium. Way before even one day work from home was common. I worked at a place where if you were sick and did not take a sick day they expected you to work from home. You would get some ribbing for being in the office and coughing. That place was great. Also always had hand sanitizer and tissue.
I sorta don’t understand this. A TB vaccine has definately been around for awhile and the article does not seem to say what would make this one special. Is it the same vaccine with the thing they says makes vaccines more potent added and they are just not adding it???
Yeah. baggy loose shorts but I still feel I have to put on a top if going significantly away outside unless im at a pool. crocs to have been a godsend. Oh man I use to have this light flowing hippie shirt and I so wish I could find one like it again.
These are bs issues they use to keep people away from noticing how they are tearing everything apart and selling it off to go in their own pockets. Nobody is forced to use prefered or proper gender terms. Source. High school. Including gym teachers.
Were I am at they have some busses that stop at the next intersection if you ring the bell and others that will only stop at designated stops. I always thought they put stops at places they predict people will want to get on and off like government buildings and major private areas like malls and then strewn ones in between at approximate set distances (every mile or two or several). Then I figure they adjust based on if people ring the bell to get off often.
Because the ignoring of congressional law and judicial orders is intentional but what are they going to do. impeach me. so sick of those guys I can’t wait till we start rounding them up and shooting them.
You could put the iso on a hard drive partition and just boot like that to get better performance. Or if you use a distro like puppy linux that run completely in memory and save state to a drive you will get even better preformance and you will be able to save all your changes.
I hate clothes in general and would prefer those light shirt and skirt combo things girls wear.
yes but remember it artifically inflates so the amount of coal its worth is always going higher. You need way more coal to make one down than you did ten years ago.
Now ladies and gentlemen I will astound you with demonstration of my mighty mystical methods. Right before your very eyes I will make this gold disappear. Not just to your eyes, not just to thin air, but such that it will only be a logical concept of worth. One, two, three…
I just think about whats going to happen to clarence thomas once judges are powerless.
exactly. if they had self hosted then it would be closer to equivalent to hilaries email but if it was using signal as written but then there is the foia issue which was still possible with hilarys email server, but not under a self hosted signal if not altered.
I mean I doubt that will happen. I have been told by, well maybe not good authority but a significant little corner of the internet. That joe biden was causing the genocide and once he was not president it would be better.
What insane judgements? I don’t think this is a very good example given his orders have ignored laws outright. The rendition thing is basic due process. Its from right wing judges enforcing law. It is by no means ultra left wing judges making insane judgements. I just don’t think this example you are giving is apt to the current condition.