The depths of my WTF!? when hearing he capitulated… are without a bottom.
The republicans have been working on this plan OPENLY for many, many years. Trump in particular SAYS he’s going to do x, y, and z. Nearly every opportunity to stop him and the republicans has been squandered or surrendered without a fight and zero consequences applied.
Heads should have quite literally rolled long before. There needs to be consequences for treason and not political.
American politicians are mostly bought and paid for by Russia and Israel and who knows who else.
Our political system and rule of law are so broken I believe it is just irredeemable at this point.
I don’t blame the democrats directly but they do share some responsibility for not doing things WHEN THEY COULD. Some individually more than others. Schumer definitely is on the, “more than others” side.
This is THE problem. Statements like this. She did the ONLY thing she had to do. The failing was not hers, it was COLLECTIVELY ours. The failing was not making her president. How are people still not getting that no matter what, she was clearly and without doubt the better choice. THAT is what matters. Everyone trying to split hairs and justify her not winning, still doesn’t get it.