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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Maybe you’re just dense? It seems pretty damn obvious if you can read between the lines. It seems to me that you don’t like that you dont understand, so you’re blaming it on everyone else. Dont blame others that you aren’t picking up what others are putting down I’m a dude, and it’s pretty straightforward if you can put yourself in the shoes of someone who has had a terrible thing done to them. They don’t want to be even near a situation like that again. The point isnt the bear. You could replace that with anything. It could be a humpback whale, a lion, or a capybara. The animal isn’t the point its the inherent unfairness of women that have to live their life in fear of men. Due to a past experience or even just caution.

  • Let’s say i choose being in the woods with a bear over a woman. Does that make me sexist? I personally dont see it. Im not setting a different standard for men or women. Maybe I’m just gay, or afraid of women. I dont see how it’s sexist if i say, im more afraid of x than y. Therefore, i choose y. Maybe, I have more bad experiences with x, leaving y. Sexism would be to set different standards for the sexes where this question isn’t setting different standards for men and women. It’s pointing out that the already existent standards for men and women and how different they are.

  • I disagree with the notion that religion is a mental disorder. I myself don’t subscribe to religion or the notion of a god, but you need to be careful with how you say things like this as this will feed into christian feelings of persecution. This kind of rhetoric is exactly what the christian god has done. Cleanse the unbelievers because they’re evil. Do not commit the same failure that this other guy is. We can’t commit the same crimes as the proposed yaweh and think ourselves morally superior.