That’s good to know too, thank you!
I don’t know any personally, or if I do I haven’t asked them about it, but there was a guy on a CBC/npr call in show a few weeks back who thought becoming the 51st state would be great, because he can’t currently get healthcare for his kids.
So delusional as ever, I’d say.
We’ve become a society of instant gratification, to the point where having to wait a week for an online delivery feels like a hardship!
I dont know the solution either. As individuals we can try to not chose the “easy” over the “good”, allow ourselves a little bit of discomfort for the better good. Learn to live a little bit slower. I don’t know how to translate that to a whole society.
Just my $0.02 to add, I guess.
I’d visit Greece before the US even without a trade war!
Are we still doing “phrasing”?
Did you install on the phone you use daily? Did you need to backup anything besides photos and contacts, and what did you do for backup?
I’m still a little intimidated by the whole transfer process
I haven’t watched any movies on GEM yet (my smart tv is too old and doesn’t support it) but scrolling through to see what’s available, it looks like there’s lots of good stuff!
Here’s a few I’ve watched in the past.
I wanted to scroll away but I was frozen in a bizarre mix of horror and incredulity.
I believe he did promise this before he was elected as head of the liberal party.
Edit: Yes he did
I am loving her firm, no nonsense attitude.
Interesting… I was under the impression. That NFLD/LAB weren’t participating because it could hurt small local breweries, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
I do understand the concern over job losses, especially since people are already being layed-off due to tariffs.
How this guy can be so non-commital, wishy-washy all the time, I’ll never understand.
I want to try it on my pixel 6A but I’ve never done anything like that, so I’m hesitant…
Seeing the positive reviews on this post gives me a little more confidence though!
You’re welcome!! I am hopeful too.
It looks very similar to the Google system. Did you find it easy and intuitive to switch over?
Oh, Good to know! I thought they were headquartered in London England.
I’ve never been a fan of Ford, but I do appreciate this new side of him.
Just tested it out, and I can see it in light mode but dark mode is still very difficult to see, no matter which combination of dark mode settings I use.