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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • People that want everyone to be OK with nudity and in most cases diddling kiddo’s. Same arguments, almost verbatim, have been used in the map-sphere.

    you say this like they’re saying that children have to be naked in order to be outside legally. The point they were making is that the primary reason half of what you said was a significant concern is due explicitly to our current social climate and it’s values. While not fully relevant, they still made a point, and considering how bad your argumentative rhetoric is, i’d say it’s a fair shot at something you said, considering you didn’t have much else to say other than accusing someone of being a pedophile i guess.

  • All 3 of them are changing schools, 2 are failing their years. Because of something someone else did to them. And you claim it’s not that bad? The fuck is wrong with you?

    and by the time they’re 18 and moving on to college, or whatever they’re probably busy not fucking worrying about whatever happened in high school, because at the end of the day you have two options here:

    be a miserable fuck. try to be the least miserable fuck you can, and do something productive.

    Generally people pick the second option.

    And besides, at the end of the day, it’s literally not real, none of this exists. It’s better than having your nudes leaked. Should we execute children who spread nudes of other children now? That’s a far WORSE crime to be committing, because now that shit is just out there, and it’s almost definitely on the internet, AND IT’S REAL.

    Seems to me like you’re unintentionally nullifying the consequences of actual real CSAM material here.

    Is my comment a little silly and excessive? Yes, that was my point. It’s satire.

  • They aren’t photos. They’re photorealistic drawings done by computer algorithms. This might seem like a tiny quibble to many, but as far as I can tell it is the crux of the entire issue.

    most phone cameras alter the original image with AI shit now, it’s really common, they apply all kinds of weird correction to make it look better. Plus if it’s social media there’s probably a filter somewhere in there. At what point does this become the ship of thesseus?

    my point here, is that if we’re arguing that AI images are semantically, not photos, than most photos on the internet including people would also arguably, not be photos to some degree.

  • So you’re saying one hp = one DAY of horse power. How is that even a measurement?

    because thats the expected constant power output from a horse given the timespan of about a day (the average human utility time span also)

    This is like saying that a bullet upon impact imparts infinite kinetic energy because the time window in which it’s measured is literally 0 seconds.

    Also if we happen to extrapolate the horse power metric, it’s the most power you could utilize from a horse, long term, forever, assuming you wanted to.

    This is like saying that you never need to change the oil in your car, because you can just ignore the rest of the miles on it that are outside of the service window.

    The unit is literally measuring “what is the theoretical maximum on the possible amount of work that a horse can exude in a continual fashion” considering that engines quite literally, do not care about taking breaks, this makes logical sense. Since the obvious selling point of an engine would be “you don’t need to feed it, it doesn’t get angry, and it won’t kill you if you look at it weirdly, plus it just runs forever, assuming you have the gas.”