The problem is the political side of Lemmy. Many people are acting exactly as they’ve been trained to act. Docile and defeated, full of desinformation. People on Reddit have more hope and will to push back. In form of different protests. Somebody on here actually commented that they learned the language the shall not be named, in the wait of an invasion. Wich is so sad, because we need to stick together and unite. Especially if article 5 will be challenged.
Idk what you’re talking about. Nobody in the forums I was in was negative. Everyone wanted to do good in the world. Not by causing any violence, your pacifist comment is strange to me. I am also a pacifist… So… Mkay.
And yes, I was banned. Most likely for being active in buyeuropean forum and promoting boycott oil and gas from… Well, you know.
So yeah. Idk what you’re talking about.