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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I gave you my exact reasoning. You’re certainly not pricing that other fellow wrong here boss.

    You are. You can be cynical and an idealist, I’m not sure where you got the idea they’re mutually exclusive. It is, they’re doing an incredible job for a country that when invaded was not a near peer to the invading country at all and still by the numbers technically aren’t. They’re idealist because you ignore the unpleasant reality that Ukraine already ceded territory once before and Russia invaded a few years later. They will not stop, they are murdering troops rather than taking pows, they’re beheading people on fucking video, they’re sledgehammering their own troops to death, surrendering and losing territory just means they can expect it to happen again.

    When exactly did I say it was at all morally correct bud? Reality doesn’t play morals the right choice is almost never the ideal nor in fact often the most moral, it is simply the best choice. Also no that’s realist, but nice try with the bad assumptions.

    No I said you show accelerationist behaviors, which you do. It’s out of naive idealism but still it’s outcome is accelerationist. You aren’t an isolationist, you’re an idealist.

    I’ve explained it all bud. What part are you confused about specifically and I’ll elucidate it for you. You aren’t opposing intervention, we aren’t intervening. We’re a capitalist country with an incredibly large and profitable arms industry, we’re making a very good sales pitch and protecting an investment. If we intervened Russias Navy as a whole would be gone for good within 72hrs, ask Iran.

  • You’re not isolating yourself nor you’re country, you’re actively advocating for actions that weaken left leaning countries and strengthen right leaning ones and at the same limits the ability of us soft power. You’re an idealist, you reject reality, history, logic and factual basis in place of the way you feel things should work out though you know in your heart they will not, they can not.

    And when you can’t provide it, as you’ve been evading doing this whole time, I will be proven right that you’re just another liar.

    Start with proving a single lie ya crybaby.

    Also, don’t call yourself a pinko, the far left at least has the fortitude and intelligence to know when their idealism illogical and the birthday to defend. You seem to have none of that.

  • You should, they’re not quiet about it at all. None of those were invasions prior to us intervention, you can blame a lot of shit on the US but Ukraine ain’t one.

    Nope, isolationists and doves stfu because they don’t want to be involved. You’re neither peacnik nor pinko because Ukraines surrender attains no left leaning goal, it does just the opposite in allowing an authoritarian shithead to take over yet more of the world… Again. This has nothing to do with the war on terror, not being shitty in one area doesn’t mean you aren’t shitty in another, get a grip.