• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I can hear a Frenchman somewhere hon-hon-honing about the fact that our food culture is so pitiful, we have convinced ourselves we actually like eating an overrefridgerated supermarket sandwich out of a cardboard box and calling it lunch.

    Have you ever had a french supermarket sandwich, hen? They’re fucking awful. He’s not right

    Consider two people: one getting ready salted crisps, a BLT and a San Pellegrino, the other a spicy chicken pasta pot, the hard-boiled egg two-pack and a banana Yazoo. Which one would you rather have as your babysitter?

    Dunno, I’m not a judgemental wank like you, I’d take it on merit

    This is fucking GASH journalism and the advert for her “book” at the end says it all

  • I’m gen-x according to you. When I was younger there were none of these divisive nomenclatures. They’re stupid and harmful, the same as every stereotype, and anyone who uses them is a gullible fool

    90% of people I know, from teenagers to pensioners, are lovely, interesting, amazing folk, and their age has as much to do with that as the colour of their skin

    You should be ashamed of yourself for perpetuating divisiveness

  • In our defence (spelt correctly) all of the above are acceptable, except the microwave. Reasons being that a) the microwave doesn’t boil it evenly, and you get pockets of mega heated water that bubble up and splash up in the microwave, then drip off the manky ceiling of the microwave and into your cup. B) microwaves stink. I don’t know anyone that uses one for anything other than popcorn or melting butter. But if you’re using it to cook as well… 🤢