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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I mean technically it does. Isn’t this the Ashai Linux and isnt it very Alpha / Beta stage? As far as I’m aware this is not recommended for anything critical ( per the project maintainers) and unless OP loves tinkering he is most likely going to hit a lot of unique edge case scenarios that require a lot of time to unwind. If you have a very narrow use case this might work but is probably not worth the headache.

  • Ugh I know people feel strongly about FSD and Tesla. As some one who uses it ( and still pays attention hands on wheels when activated) when FSD is active as soon as it sees anything resembling emergency lights it will beep and clearly disengage. I am not sure, but it’s possible this person probably is just using Tesla as a scape goat for their own poor driving. However in my experience it will force the driver to take control when emergency lights are recognized specifically to avoid instances like this.