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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Makes sense. Publishers are corporations that thrive in capitalism. Racially divisive material sells and doesn’t threaten their profits. Material that threatens the system that enables their profits threatens them.

    I’d be more wary of a corporation that was gung ho on publishing anti capitalist material and I would look to see if they were finding a way to sabotage them movement through it.

  • There’s nothing the average person can do to significantly curb their CO2 emissions. We still have to use electricity, drive cars to get to work and errands, and buy food grown with fossil fuels. The best the average person can do is to NOT have any children. The second best is to stop eating all meat, or at least greatly curb eating meat, especially beef.

    I’ve already done both of those due to personal preferences but I doubt most people are willing.

    Paper straws and reusable bags are nice but they ain’t doing shit. Most Americans can’t choose public transport most of the time. There really aren’t major things we can do besides push for politicians to regulate emitters more/

  • ITT: men who can’t ever admit they might be the problem. So many excuses here it’s pathetic.

    edit: I love the “not all men” and “not me”. As always, it’s not all men. But it’s enough. And the men here getting so defensive really prove the point. And before anyone gets into it, it’s not really the sex or gender. It’s the societal expectations and allowances that encourage men to engage in abusive shit like we see in the article here. I.e. the patriarchy and those who support it.

  • Neither the USSR nor the CCP ever tried to be communist. They used that banner to gather supporters and then seized all control of the government in an authoritarian takeover. Communism doesn’t have “dear leaders” or usually even parties. Places like the USSR used their control over capital and wages and property ownership to control their populace entirely. We’ve never really seen an actual communist country because all the major efforts were sabotaged by people who wanted to be dictators.