In that case, I think it’s time that Ukraine gets authorized to do some ballistic hacking to general utilities deep in Russia. Make them permanently offline.
In that case, I think it’s time that Ukraine gets authorized to do some ballistic hacking to general utilities deep in Russia. Make them permanently offline.
That’s called a bidet, and it’s classy.
No one doubts the existence of the tunnels, because Israel made them. What is unconfirmed, and frankly bullshit, is how much those are utilized and whether the propaganda put out by Israel about the headquarters is true. (Hint: it’s propaganda to make useful idiots support the terror that the Israeli state is imposing in the Palestinian people). Also, let’s not forget the hilariously bad video they put out as “”“proof”“” from months before.
So yeah, try harder to push your propaganda, because you kinda suck at it.
Wow, the one time trump has told the truth!
HitlerTrump could only take over because the conservatives were more afraid of thecommuniststhe left and thought they could controlHitlerTrump and use him. He used them instead.
As the other comment or noted, that still works for trump. That’s basically 2016 in a nutshell
Heh, that was in my most recent playlist too.
Holy flaming hammer of unholy cosmic frost in my ass
Or, my favorite option from my most recent playlist: In too deep in my ass
Waiting for the hydra’s next head to pop up and give them their talking points.
Agreed, but that’s hasn’t stopped people before…
They’re only victims because they got caught. If they never got caught, they’d be happily taking Russian money everyday of the week.
Not even a decade later , within 4-6 they were politically fellating Putin because Donny dipshit has controlled the party since ~2015/6, and he’s been under Russian influence for much longer, if not from the government, then from the Russian mob (I know, I’m repeating myself).
The Russian influence campaign that just started, and hasn’t been running since before the 2016 election? These same influencers assure me that the allegations of Russian influence are just liberal media bullshit, and these Russian influenced people wouldn’t lie about Russian influence, would they?
Someone is creating a strawman argument.
Yeah, you and your kind.
Read the scientific evidence for yourself.
You should take your own advice, because you’re not making the argument you think you’re making.
Bots can view content without being able to post, which is what people are aiming to cut down. I don’t super care if bots are vacuuming up my shitposts (even my shit posts), but I don’t particularly want to be in a community that’s overrun with bots posting.
Usually by tying your real world identity to your screen name, with your ID or mail or something.
26% of advertisers are begging PG to sue them.
It’s very unlikely, given the lack of evidence, and the immense technological base requires to make it across the distances required to get to other systems. The physics of the universe as we understand them alone is a massive mark against the possibility.
But then he’d have to be behind that awful stench. I wouldn’t have let him win either…
The only people who think trump is the better choice economically are either already rich or stupid enough to think they’ll be rich one day and that will show the poors how wrong they are.