Beautiful, I’m super envious that I couldn’t even trace that and make it look as nice. However, aren’t the feet and hands too small? They seem way out of proportion. Again, really nice art, it’s just a suggestion, not a criticism
Beautiful, I’m super envious that I couldn’t even trace that and make it look as nice. However, aren’t the feet and hands too small? They seem way out of proportion. Again, really nice art, it’s just a suggestion, not a criticism
Failure is entirely subjective, and too blanket a term to use.
It hasnt made in the traditional gaming market. No one has gone from a high spec PC to using VR as their main machine, because AAA games arent on that platform.
I see the Oculus as a Wii type machine. Its for party games, its for experiences. My son loves the Oculus for big group, social games where people can be annoying together all over the world. I have family members who dont play AAA games that have an oculus for the different experience games.
I played Alyx and the Wolfenstein game, and they were really good, but wont replace my PC. Maybe if I tried the desktop thing and it replaced a monitor I might get on, but otherwise it wont replace current machines.
Sounds to me like they just dont want to empty the bins any more. I suspect after a few months of picking rubbish off the floor, the bins will be back.
Or not and everyone will complain and stop going.
I really wanted a Pebble when they first came out, and then REALLY wanted one when they were selling for next to nothing when FitBit bought the company.
I love a smart watch, but hate the daily charging. Im currently wearing a fossil hybrid which has an eink screen under the hands, and I love that it lasts 30 days on a charge, but wish it did more.
So I ordered a Core 2 Duo. I might still cancel the order before December, but no other watch does what I want, and this is the closest.
Pizza and cheese
It’s a Durge run thing.
It looks like you can do remote debugging on Vivaldi
What’s the newest fad? I’m out of the loop. The last I remember where those reusable bubble wrap poppit things
I would extend one side and raise it over the other, so there’s a small overlapping lip to glue the two half’s together, that should be strongest.
I’d take the dog home and keep it as a pet. Stop bringing it to work. No bomb dogs at the air ports.
I have just modded a Vita and that is happy with PSP games, so I think I will just use that. If it was a 1000 I would be more inclined, but the 2000 feels a bit too cheap to bother
You can buy unpopulated motherboards on AliExpress, then you can move all the parts and make it a much more difficult job!
It’s a real shame we aren’t allowed to fact check any more, so I have to accept this as gospel truth.
I usually play a female character, because if im going to stare at an ass for 120 hours, it might as well be a nice ass.
Trump should triple down and deport everyone except him and musk. Then we can watch them both rattle around an empty country.
Dont need a sextant if you dont leave your house
Weird, I just deleted my account, uninstalled the app, and moved to Lemmy with no desire to go back.
Which is EXACTLY why I just moved to using Vivaldi browser and StartPage as a search engine. Fuck these guys.
I cant hear American Pie without it turning into Weird Al’s The Saga Begins
I have been using the free Proton, but I’m very tempted by Mail+. Something just feels strange about paying for email after it being free for 20 years