Fuck the algorithm. Idk why people like that shit.
Fuck the algorithm. Idk why people like that shit.
Start at the top.
They just announced they were coming back the other day 😂
But you don’t need to be on the same instance to contribute?
You can’t make a state more blue. Their votes didn’t matter because Harris won.
Plenty of people who don’t vote give a shit, but feel that neither party gives a shit about them. Blame those who keep offering up shit candidates instead of those who won’t bend over and be coerced into voting for shit candidates.
If you abstained from voting in a blue state you voted for trump? Logic does not compute.
Not how that works. People who didn’t vote in a state that went blue didn’t contribute to trump winning. Try again.
“Yeah, pretending that it wasn’t a landslide is a grand delusion.”
Democrats arent leftists. Left of the the republicans isn’t the same as being a leftist, and voting for democrats doesn’t make you a leftist.
If you live in a blue state and didn’t vote, how are you complicit?
He 100% cheated.
Oh no, somebody didn’t respect a faceless mod on the internet?? What is this world coming to!
Who said I’m outraged? Don’t project, please. Also, implying I’m not thinking by disagreeing with the sentiment that this is heartwarming. Gtfoutta here with that bullshit take.
There’s a difference between feeling threatened by something happening nearby and somebody threatening you. Karen might feel threatened because she saw someone break into her nighbors car, but she’s not being threatened.
Re-read the comment chain chief.
“Briefly the us was the good guys when we killed a bunch of slavers”
“Looks at founding fathers… Yeah killed the slavers.”
Nobody said the founding fathers killed the slavers. Yes, the founding fathers were slavers. They were dead by the time the civil war came around, at which point the US was briefly the good guys when yes, they did in fact kill slavers. You’re being deliberately obtuse.
He does in the oval office too.
When all’s said and done, make it a fucking national holiday.
So you at least understand the comment you replied to wasn’t talking about the founding fathers… So why fucking bring them up?
Yup. Literally the day they announced that shit I peaced out.