• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Rinox@feddit.ittohmmm@lemmy.worldHmmm
    1 day ago

    Also not native, but I don’t think you can’t use the word queue or line for hair. You can use braids, you can use tail or you can say tied back.

    I get it though cause in Italian we too have the same word for line of people and hair tail (coda)

  • Then you need some friends. On the how to acquire one, there are a few ways. One of the most effective outside of school or work is to join some club, some class or some sport activity. For instance, I joined a latin dance class lately (salsa, bachata) and I’ve met lots of very friendly people. Every Friday they also organize a night out to some local clubs to dance, and there you can meet lots of other people with a similar interest. It’s just an example though, pick something interesting, join a group of people etc.

    You just need to be proactive. Staying all day in your room commiserating yourself is definitely not sexy

  • So you spend your entire day either working/studying or staring at a blank wall?

    Btw, it doesn’t really matter if you do something actually interesting, it’s the attitude that counts. I’ve tried doing the same thing/going to the same event with different people, some very positive and outgoing, and some very negative, and the experience has been very very different.

    If your attitude is “I’m not interesting, and I don’t do anything interesting” then guess what, you won’t be interesting to anyone around you. Btw, going to the pub for a beer can be very interesting. Walking somewhere can be interesting.

  • No, it’s not about inclusivity or lack-thereof, it’s about you needing to at least KNOW the language before proposing changes to it. I don’t need your ignorant opinion. No one needs it. We have enough people talking about shit they know nothing about from their smug high horse, as if their opinion is just as valid as truly knowledgeable people. Learn Spanish, speak it fluently, and then come back.

    Or maybe you are one of those people that are flabbergasted when they hear the word “negro” in Spanish?

  • Rinox@feddit.ittoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPorque no los Dos?
    9 days ago

    Are you sure it was actually created in the Latin American world by Spanish speakers and not in the USA by English speakers with Mexican ancestors that keep saying they’re Mexican even though they’ve never been to the country, can’t speak the language and the last person in the family to do so was their grandpa?

    Because this seems 100% an American invention by people who can’t speak the language but still need to feel superior by pretending to do “something” for the queer community.

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard any of this outside of English speaking forums comprised mainly of Americans. Not in real life, not in Europe, not in Latin America.

    Do you even speak the language? Because I’d argue that before trying to change something, you first need to have a deep understanding of that thing, especially for languages.