Would be nice if grid tied inverters weren’t such a regulatory PITA. Micro-deployment solar, and more importantly distributed energy storage, makes so much sense and could solve a lot of grid-related problems.
Would be nice if grid tied inverters weren’t such a regulatory PITA. Micro-deployment solar, and more importantly distributed energy storage, makes so much sense and could solve a lot of grid-related problems.
PSA: eating like Cookie Monster is, for many if not most, an important qualifier for being a monster in bed 🌈
I suspect it’s one of the many international depictions of Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.
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Everything related to consumer IoT is more expensive and/or difficult to implement as a local-only service.
But that doesn’t make any sense. Why would cloud access make anything cheaper?
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And for others the daily recommended has been considered far too low for a long time (US example).
Last I checked the consensus is to skip the multi. A fistful of kale, spinach, arugula, or similar dark leaves will tend to have a more balanced profile and far lower risk of trace heavy metals and other contaminants.
TLDR: Popeye was right. Want to be strong to the finish? Eat dat spinach!
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Some of the vitamins in a multi-vite gummy, such as vitamin A, are not OK in high doses.
time shitting.
…A novel by Whiskers DeWitt
Dear madam,
You have my remarks.
True, but outside CS the word has come to refer to a certain brand of complex heuristics or ML inference.
Our telegrams are dictated, not read, and the messengers really can’t be trusted with punctuation. Get with the times old man.
I have 3 kids and no money. Why can’t I have no kids and 3 money? - Sir Homer Simpson
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I get what you’re saying, but I’m not talking about SaaS products. I’m talking about physical things on local networks that don’t need cloud access.
For example, a common wall switch may use mqtt internally, but inexplicably railroad all commands through the online Tuya platform. The device requires a beefier ESP chip as a result. It must be capable of ethernet and async workflows for client platform auth, token refresh, and so forth. It may even cease functioning when it can’t reach the servers.
By comparison, the strictly intranetwork equivalent has far simpler hardware that can run for months on a watch battery. And yet, the cloud-based product will basically always be cheaper, in spite of being more complex and requiring cloud infrastructure.
So, how come? Yes economies of scale might apply to the hardware manufacturing, but certainly not to the cloud requirement. No economy scales quite like 0.