I was quite upset by The Peripheral recently. And although it didn’t release to much fanfare, Constellation.
I’d also recommend to you based on this: Paris Police 1900, Balkan Shadows (if you can get a hold of this). Balkan Shadows is quite literally just the Balkan version of this.
I wish thumbnails worked for non-linked content.
It’s about the choice of song at the end.
Well kinda, except if I wanted to do I could just extract the datafiles from steam and then get crack if the worst happened.
Plus Netflix/Amazon/Apple remove content all the time and thus terminate people’s access to stuff they’ve bought on there.
Well this is more for the lesser-watched, often geoblocked shows whereby you simply can’t acquire them legally.
Yeah, but you don’t “buy” buy them proper. They’re like digital renting.
Well I’d imagine that this system, if set up properly, would in theory reduce piracy by quite a bit might be a good incentive.
Yeah, I mean ultimately muh rights issues aren’t the consumers problem. If the networks and streamers don’t make a TV series accessible on day 1, the internet will.
Well you don’t get locked into a streamer like you did cable.
Sure, you’re not the only one. But I would suspect most people didn’t care.
With all due respect, by “people” it’s just you. Yeah, some others in here have expressed discontent at this but they did it with a single comment, or moved on by now. Out of however many were actually pinged, it’s probably not a notable amount of the overall.
I’d like to add that despite me not really seeing this as an issue, I didn’t actually set this up. I was aware of it possibly happening, and saw no problem with it (I didn’t know how it would look when/if it did happen - it could’ve been done via DM for all I knew). But that goes my involvement in it. And no, the instance of “community completely changing url and moving” is practically the only instance in which I would ever not mind or support something like this, so it won’t be happening for just any future or hypothetical pinned post.
I’m not inclined to be told what to do, as you so object to yourself when you believed you were being ordered about.
It’s just a community notification, not some seedy product or some con or scam. It was always meant as a one-off thing (that’s apparently been done before anyway by the same guy to zero issues for another community migration).
Yeah I understand that, but it’s kinda time this changed really in this day and age. Korea doesn’t seem to have any problem spamming their media to the globe.
As I said, I’m not telling you to do anything. You don’t want to subscribe, don’t subscribe. You just got caught up on the mail-list because you at some point posted here (in the last X months). It’s done now. It won’t happen again.
Well, okay, they could sell it like that on their own platform then. But they don’t.
You would have two ways to watch a show.
Some shows however, completely leave all streaming apps. At least (2) would still remain.
I genuinely don’t get why someone’s notifications are so sacred to them to this extent. This was a one-off event that was done purely to get people migrating over to the new community. Which it seems to have done. Some people aren’t bothered by it, presumably because they did subscribe here.
Expanse left at a time jump, so it’s not implausible it could come back.