I did that for a long time, but some posts are NSFW for other reasons and I hate missing those. So I just manually block the random adult content myself.
I did that for a long time, but some posts are NSFW for other reasons and I hate missing those. So I just manually block the random adult content myself.
I think sex work isn’t seen as work in many countries, so globally, it’s relevant to highlight the right way to protect people.
That’s a good point, didn’t they want to make it illegal to be against racism?
The paying for boosted accounts to be on a leaderboard for a game he can’t play is just peek cringe.
I was actually bummed to have to stop eating McDonald’s. It was my go to comfort fast food. Between Trump’s photo op and Luigi, I just can’t support them anymore.
Imagine getting assigned Lemmy. Reddit and Facebook are massive departments and Lemmy is one cubicle with a Linux machine and two chairs.
You might wonder why people are down voting, so I’ll clarify. Usually horrific details about sensitive topics are only shared with the police, courts, and family initially. They will come out at trial eventually. The primary reason is to not force it in the face of survivors as well as to protect the dignity of the deceased.
I’m over 40 and only eat pizza bites, KD, and poutine. I’ve never had a single health related…aggggggggggggggggggggggg
This blog has links to various other articles, but no substance. How frequently is good? Does it affect men and women the same way? Is there a health benefit when it’s used to treat my addiction to porn?
Added to my list!
The blatant ads there were getting insane though. I love how you are sharing your well earned recognition, but many times on Reddit it was, “My daughter died of cancer three years ago and I quit my job and used coding as therapy, three years later, I have my parting gift inspired by her love of turtles ready to share with the world!”
Insert half-baked $5 game made in a few weeks
It was so obvious they were creating fictions to push shovelware.
That’s a recipe for disaster if I’ve ever heard of one. Fixing Jane in accounting’s monitor or figuring out the routing table for the entire enterprise. All top priority!
Also, why haven’t you closed that low priority ticket and you keep working the high priority tickets that are new.
I sold mine for about $1,000 each and never looked back. It was free money. I would have never held them past $2k, much less 100k
Because they didn’t work hard while working!
Farmers who voted for Trump should have read project 2025.
But the raw data of every single American who had flown does exist. The government has a database of every tattoo, mole, and genital of everyone who has ever used an airplane.
Weak ass cowards trying to go along to get along that have no inkling of resistance. They’re going to censor themselves into goose stepping.
What blows my mind is that segmented runs were ever allowed. I understand it for longer runs, multiple hours, but a sub 4 minute run should never allow cuts.