Someone was favouring extra expensive contracts with private medical contractors.
Someone was favouring extra expensive contracts with private medical contractors.
I heard about the proxy war theory and it’s depressing to think these people are that evil. The world is a fucked up place, no doubt.
Good point, hadn’t thought of that lol.
That’s just trump trying to swing the vote toward pp. It’s so obvious I think/hope the only people stupid enough to fall for it are the ones who already vote conservative.
Interesting. The impression we get from brief news reports and no follow up is that the economy is hurting because of the sanctions. I think it’s a shame that there isn’t the same suffering that they are inflicting on the Ukranian people. They need to understand what their government is doing, propaganda or not. We’ll have to see how it all works out.
I cannot profess to knowing that which I did not read, per say. Lol
Absolutely agree and was referring to post USSR when talking about discontent. Started in the 90’s but has persisted and been fed by open information in the 21st century, no?
I didn’t mean to emphasize stupid in any way. I think rejection of the current system was inevitable but they fall for lies that are allowed to go unchallenged in a meaningful way. I don’t have a problem with optimism but I think ignoring the realities of the end game do us no favours. I would prefer a mix of the two with proper representation of a plan to survive what will come. Lets hope electoral reform actually happens in a way that truly serves the people and not the party. Thanks for your thoughts on all this.
Forgive my perhaps uninformed take on Russia but isn’t there much more social cohesion because there is a common dislike of the state and the economic situation due to their actions and corruption? Once basic needs are met, as used to be the case in the west, people will branch off into goals based more on their own “selfish” desires. I try not to get too sidetracked with my doom and gloom scenarios because I’m well aware that there is no support for these extremes. I just wonder how to establish the social buy in of a single country or world population with time running out.
What rabbit hole is this that you have shared? It does look like a good read and I’ll definitely follow up. To your point, no meaningful change will be possible until we genetically alter our humanity into something more coherent. As we are late to the show we will also have to resort to a bit of extermination as well if we hope to beat the clock on the worlds demise. That’s the part where people think I’m nuts, which is of no consequence. They have no concept of the depths to which we will be sinking either way.
They instill many emotions that are helpful in promoting discourse. Not all but you have to take the bad with the good.
So what to do because I’ve tried nothing and am all out of ideas.
I see your point but I’ll stick to my view that it’s stupid, for the people. That is always my take.
Can you fucking believe it? The obvious move toward drone technology for land, sea and air and our moronic government is buying warships and fighter jets. When will the stupidity end?
Agreed. Let’s just eliminate the link so that no clicks go their way. I love Wiki but self-centered comments have their place. I think getting people to question the whole fandom paradigm would be a healthy add on.
The other day I was looking through posts on Lemmy and came across a long list of posts solely linked to reddit, for the purpose of sharing reddit content. I think to be appropriately rid of these negative influences Lemmy should consider blocking links to these predatory sites.
Don’t forget, to many children a property. The purpose of procreation is to ensure that your own stupid, narrow sighted, ill-informed views propagate across centuries. Brutal isn’t it. I understand that doing something is better than nothing but at the same time you have to allow that the illusion of progress is perhaps more dangerous. It’s a conundrum that I fear will be our demise. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this but I’m too stuck in my malaise to be convinced that anyone can see the forest in the trees. Cheers
As I said I won’t be reading this post I think it would be hypocritical to read any responses, so I won’t be reading this one either. Thanks best buddy!
This is disgusting.