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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I can almost get it, when I watch the state and federal government take 30 percent or more of the money I earned, so they can give it to clowns like Trump and a Biden to do stupid shit that I don’t agree with. And don’t give me any, “be the change you want to see!”, bullshit either. The fact of the matter is, if you’ve got the millions, you can do what you want, pay the fine, bribe the officials to look the other way, and generally be left the fuck alone. If you don’t, and you’ve never been given the tools and/or opportunity to get out from under living paycheck to paycheck to survive, it’s easy to understand the mental gymnastics necessary to believe in this shit. It’s ignorant speak for, “leave me the fuck alone”. Let me be clear that I fully understand and agree with the idea that this idiot wants to steal from a utility company… I’m just saying, if you don’t have the ability, resources, or education to find a place where you can live “off the grid”, looking for magical solutions isn’t hard to understand.

    Shit, Disney trained me to believe that all I need to do is wish upon a star…

    Fucking stupid cricket.

  • You are 100% correct in your assertion, my anti Mario sex toy friend, and I love your passion. I worry that the minute you call someone’s intelligence into question, they’ll take a defensive posture and stop thinking critically. Critical thinking is what we need more than anything else in this world right now. That’s what’s in short supply. It’s why the news is constantly being flooded with new things, and why there are so few media outlets that don’t have a slant. If I can get you outraged at team blue, or team red, or team US, or team THEM, your anger overrides your reason and you stop thinking about who benefits from the distraction provided by us arguing over whatever this new bullshit thing is we’re arguing over. Hopefully that last statement makes sense.

  • Look… It’s all tribalism, in the end. We can argue semantics, but doing so it’s exactly their point. It keeps us busy with pedantry, while they continue to enjoy their wealth from on high. I am not educated enough to debate the pros and cons of each group, but I am intelligent enough to smell an attempt to distract me from the point. To know there’s some sleight of hand fuckery happening right in front of my face.

  • The 1% exist in every form of government, my friend. Billionaire capitalists == Russian Oligarchs. The name changes based on the audience, but the idea is money influences politics. The folk with the most money to do so are the 1% who actually rule, not the interchangeable talking heads who take their money to live a comfortable life acting as the mouthpiece (or scapegoat) for that group.

  • It’s simple… If you convince the communists that the capitalists are trying to destroy them, (and vice versa), they fight each other, distracting them from the real enemy: the 1% with enough money to directly influence the folk that make the rules that keep them in the 1% club. We’re fighting culture wars so we won’t fight class wars, my friend.

  • RiF was all I ever used. Never even heard of Sync until I migrated to Lemmy at the end of June. Fwiw, I found Connect rather quickly, and it feels almost exactly like RiF. Enough that it scratches the itch. I tried Sync for about an hour today… It’s fine enough… But I can’t figure out what it has that Connect doesn’t. Maybe it’s just that everyone who used Sync was just comfortable and didn’t want to change. I’m fine with it being a paid app, or subscription, or whatever dude decides to do to help support himself, too…I just don’t get the hubbub when there’s a perfectly excellent free alternative in Connect.