I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

  • 41 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • No, I live in the same reality as everyone else but I feel like my grasp of it is generally more accurate than that of an average person, what ever that means. I see people (myself included) as rather predictable biological “robots” that are pushed around by their primitive wants and emotions while pretending to have agency over all the good things happening to them and blaming the world for all the rest. I don’t beliefe in free will in the sense that most people think about it. As in “you could have done otherwise”. It’s not just a philosophical concept I like but something I truly believe in and live by. There’s no going back once you take that pill. You can’t help but see the world and people differently after that and I mean it in a good way.

  • Most people are unsatisfied with their lives. There are two ways we generally try to deal with this; improve your own situation or try bringing other people down to your level. Many feel like the latter option is easier.

    I don’t hate anyone or anything. Hate is a toxic emotion that poisons your own mind but leaves the target of it unaffected. It also implies the thing you’re hating is responsible for whatever it is that makes you hate it and assumes they could choose to do otherwise. I don’t believe in this. People don’t choose to behave badly. They just do and couldn’t have done otherwise.

  • When I was still in school they paid me like 50 euros a week to help with grocery bills and they backed my mortage but other than that not really. I’ve been on my own for more than 15 years and I’m doing pretty good financially. I recently went from an employee to running my own bussines so currently my income is pretty much on par with my expenses but I’ve got quite substantial savings so I’m not particularly worried. I’m 33 years old.

  • Crimea is geofenced. That’s why Ukraine officials contacted Elon and asked him to enable it so that their drone boats could attack Russian navy there which Elon refused to do. It’s literally illegal due to US sanctions to Russia. This is what the author Walter Isaacson wrote about in his book but for some reason spun it around claiming Elon disabled it to prevent the attack when in fact it wasn’t enabled in the first place. He has later issued a correction stating that what he originally said was incorrect but this is conveniently ignored by pretty much everyone and when ever I point it out I get downvoted.

    To clarify on the Starlink issue: the Ukrainians THOUGHT coverage was enabled all the way to Crimea, but it was not. They asked Musk to enable it for their drone sub attack on the Russian fleet. Musk did not enable it, because he thought, probably correctly, that would cause a major war.

    And before someone comments on the “major war” point, those are Walter’s words, not Musk’s. Elon said that agreeing to do so would “make SpaceX explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation” but also later added that had he been contacted by the White House and asked to enable it he would have but they didn’t.

  • I work as a contractor so even the best EDC kit isn’t sufficient to do most of the jobs I need to do. Also since I have a fully kitted work truck with me where ever I go I’m rarely too far from my tools. I’ve tried all kinds of EDC setups but in my personal experience the items I need by far the most are a blade and a pen so that’s what I have with me at all times nowdays. I honestly should just EDC my Leatherman Wave because then I would get pliers and a screwdriver too but I’m already invested into a nice pocket knife.

    I actually despise all but the beefiest Crescent wrenches.

    You need the pliers wrench
