• 41 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • For visibility, one common trick is to involve the news media. A small group of protesters converge and just stand around and chit chat. Someone calls the press. The press shows up with their cameras and the protesters snap into action… chanting, shouting, flying flags. They make a show for the camera. The press wants to sensationalize, so they are onboard with this. The camera chooses a distance and angle that tries to make the protest look larger than it is, taking care to ensure that the frame cuts off some people so you don’t get the impression that you’re viewing the whole crowd. They film for a couple minutes or so, interview someone, and leave. As soon as they leave, the protesters go back to hanging out, or they disburse. Because it’s all about reaching the press; not about reaching a few bypassers.

    Some protests are actually by hired people. Students are sometimes compensated to show up and act, for the camera. I assume they would agree with the cause but just need a little extra motivation to give up some of their time.

    Politicians are likely wise to these tactics of making a protest look bigger than it is but I think it’s a good way to start, to reach the public who might later bring the crowd needed (which apparently is 3.5% of the population according to the article).

    The last bullet is interesting for sure. From the article:

    ‘1960s civil-rights activists “did things like pick cities to protest where they knew the police would be maximally repressive”, he says.’

    So it’s a game of being non-violent yourself (so you don’t encourage people to vote for the shitty party of law and order), but at the same time you need the police to act their worst, presumably to get more press. I wonder if it would be sensible to do non-destructive tasks that only appear destructive, to provoke cops. Like give protesters a spray can of something that the rain will remove (not paint, obviously).

  • One other Lemmy instance is on 0.19.4, and that also has the same problem:

    Ungoogled Chromium: the create post form erases the fields after tabbing out of them. Tor Browser (firefox based): no issues with the create post form.

    Now slrpnk is on 0.19.5, along with two other Lemmy nodes I tested this on. The create post form is working in this version with Ungoogled Chromium.

    timeline selector broken

    There is another problem that was introduced with version 0.19.4 and still persists in 0.19.5: There are four possible timeline views: subscribed, local, all, moderator view. That selector is broken in Ungoogled Chromium 112 but not in Firefox-based browsers. In UC, I click “moderator view” and the button highlights as I click it, the page refreshes, but the selector does not stick. It is trapped in the “local” view and only shows the local timeline.

    This problem is replicated in other 0.19.4 and 0.19.5 instances.


    Actually there is still a problem with 0.19.4 w.r.t. post creation. And this affects Firefox too: if I use the cross-post feature to copy the post elsewhere, the form is populated just fine but then I have to search for the target community at the bottom of the form. As soon as I select the target community, the whole rest of the form clears. I have not yet tested this specific scenario in 0.19.5.

  • not sure what you mean by “doesn’t prevent using the function entirely.” Do you mean the function is available for those who install another browser? My current theory is that the create post function is 100% broken for Ungoogled Chromium users, but probably operational for people running 3rd party clients or Firefox. Considering Ungoogled Chromium is based on the single most popular browser (Chromium), vanilla Chromium users are probably also impacted, which seems serious.

    The form should probably display a loud warning about this. Someone might opt to write the body of their post as a very first step, before the title. They could put a substantial effort into writing a long text and then see it all vanish the instant they click the title field. Nothing is worse than seeing one’s work thrown away like that.

    I would roll back to the previous version if there is no fix for this.

    (edit) Are there any stats kept on user agent strings? It might give a clue on the number of users affected.

    (edit2) history

    I guess it’s worth noting a bit of history. For quite some time (maybe a year or more) Ungoogled Chromium did not work on any Lemmy site for me. Tor Browser did. After upgrading a couple months ago, UC worked on all Lemmy sites. But now Lemmy is dysfunctional again on 19.4. Works fine on Lemmy 19.3.

  • Antiwork means the revolutionary abolition of the world of work and all that entails: a waged-labor

    BBC World News recently covered a trend of employees quitting the conventional style of work. These workers reject the culture of breaking one’s back bending over backwards to satisfy their boss’s every wish. The concept is for workers to put their own well-being above the corporate bottom line, which generally means forgoing¹ promotions, raises and advancement in the company because it’s just not worth it. To own the work, and work at a comfortable pace and comfortable fashion.

    I don’t recall what term they used for this trendy new view, but “antiwork” could be taken to be a more general concept that covers the extremes of complete abolition of work as well as the less extreme concept of simply rejecting unwanted excessive overwork. Before reading your post I would have assumed “antiwork” would include “antiworkmyassoff”.

    ¹ by “forgoing” I don’t mean rejecting offers, but just accepting that promotions and significant raises won’t typically be offered.

  • For the past few days, the “create post” form is usually broken. After entering a title I hit tab to the next field and the title is instantly erased upon shifting the focus to another field. The form is unfillable.

    I was able to post once after this behavior started for no apparent reason. No idea how to reproduce that.

    It’s worth noting that submitting comments in existing posts is not a problem.

    Browser: Ungoogled Chromium 112

    (edit) after more thought, I think that one time I was able to post was probably done using Tor Browser, not UC.

  • What’s interesting about this is #LemmyWorld uses Cloudflare, and CF was involved in a CP scandal. You might be tempted to report the CP to Cloudflare, but it’s important to be aware of how CF handles that. CF protected a website that distributed child pornography. When a whistle blower reported the illegal content to CF, CF actually doxxed the people who reported it. Cloudflare revealed the whistle blowers’ identities directly to the dubious website owner, who then published their names and email addresses to provoke retaliatory attacks on the whistle blowers! Instead of apologizing, the CEO (Matthew Prince) said the whistle blowers should have used fake names.

  • As comprehensive as that report is, I can’t help but notice that it did not give the impression that the guy’s family did much to help. Poverty is limiting but IIRC his sister did not visit for a 3 year stretch or something like that. Pre-Warren, indeed the prosecutors stood as a barrier to freeing DuBoise. But IMO he could have be exonerated ~10-15 years sooner if his family had driven a relentless campaign.

    what’s wrong with conservatives here?

    Ron DeSantis will probably never experience the degree of shame that he should for dismantling the infrastructure to free innocent people. I struggle to understand this because I don’t think conservatives think of themselves as scumbags. But then how do conservatives reconcile their own introspection of themselves in a way that does not make them assholes? A friend turned conservative once told me a good system incarcerates innocent people in order to convict more baddies – that it’s an acceptible colatteral damage for the greater good. The whole /innocent until proven guilty/ philosophy is lost on conservatives as they elect hard-ass judges every chance they get. Yet they do not seem to see themselves as assholes. Ron DeSantis is successful in taking power because of this. He represents republicans well for the assholes they are.

    To try to be as fair as possible, we could try to see this as conservatives having compassion for the victim that triggers uncontrolled irrational behaviour. But at election time what separates liberal judges from the hard-ass judges is treatment of victimless crimes.

  • This actually happened to me: I arrived at my destination and discovered my load was loose, ready to fall. There have also been times that I dropped something. And times that my backpack was mistakenly unzipped and I could have lost something worth keeping.

    So if I operate with your assumption (that honking drivers are always assholes), then I lose the opportunity to pick up something I dropped or correct insecure cargo. Why should I give that up?

    (edit) Since a horn is an ambiguous signal, in this circumstance of a car following a cyclist it should come to be universally understood to mean a cyclist dropped their phone or wallet, as this is the legit scenario.

  • So let me get this straight. Instead of just moving to the side of the road and letting the car pass., you just do a full stop in the middle of the road, thus creating an unsafe situation?

    You have a strange idea of safety. Traffic that is stopped is not unsafe. Or are you thinking that it would be holding up an ambulance or something? This 15 seconds of activism would not be carried out if there were an ambulance in the same direction of travel. I cycle without headphones so I can hear emergency vehicles.

    Road safety in my region is organised this way: cyclists are entitled to 1 meter clearance of cars. That also includes parked cars because people open doors. So if civil engineers decide to designate part of the road for parking (instead of a cycling lane), then they have prioritized car parking above bandwidth. Cyclists can safely distance themselves 1 meter from the parked cars to avoid that door opening. Moving cars are legally required give cyclists another meter of clearance when passing, because shit happens and cyclists need enough buffer to dodge potholes and unplanned swerves. To give up that buffer is to create an unsafe situation, especially if the driver is in a hurry. The more aggressive a car driver is, the more risk you create by letting them pass. Passing is statistically correllated with accidents.

    If car drivers want to move along faster, they should lobby to have parking lanes replaced with cycling lanes. When there is a cycling lane, the 1 meter clearance by moving cars is not legally required.

    Don’t fuck with cars, one day somebody is not gonna stop.

    I appreciate your genuine concern for my safety. As an activist, I’m perpetually up to my neck in trouble and I accept the risks.

  • That looks interesting. I might have to keep my eye out for these at the 2nd hand street markets. When you say supplement, do you mean the ROX feeds coordinates to the phone?

    Apparently Sigma has a proprietary app for the phone. If you don’t use that app, are open standards supported? In the pre-smartphone days, it was common to get a dedicated device that merely ran a GPS receiver and the sent to coords to any bluetooth device (e.g. palm pilot) that paired to it. I think the standard is called NMEA. The ROX 4.0 manual makes no mention of NMEA so I’m not sure if that could be used to feed OSMand.

    In any case, your finding seems to suggest using an external GPS has a substantial power savings on the phone that hosts the maps.

  • So do you have your screen turned off most of the time?

    Yes, because I’m usually not using it. I never use it as a phone and keep it permanently in airplane mode. Daytime navigation is its most common use, in which case I have the backlight on full power and the GPS on.

    I usually get through a day fine with a charge.

    I could probably get through a week if navigation were not involved. But when I do a day trip in a foreign city I have to carry a spare battery and still take every opportunity at bars and restaurants to recharge (which just gives ~5—10%). I also turn off the GPS when stopped to save battery, but this brings the inconvenience of reacquiring a fix.

    If you bring a second phone, that is also a second device you’re carrying around, might as well be a small powerbank.

    A powerbank needs to be wired to the phone and thus strapped to my arm. I’ll first test what an external GPS does and if that’s insufficient then I might consider an external battery.

    The phone gets quite warm when navigating. I believe that’s because the GPS is computationally intensive. The heat is not only waste energy but it also heats the battery which then possibly impacts the battery performance and charging. So by using a separate device for the GPS, the impact from the heat should be reduced.

  • I saw no actions on that page. Then I dragged my cursor across the page and highlighting revealed they are using white text on a white background. I guess they did not consider that environmentalists might have images disabled in their browser.

    Support Farmers and A More Resilient Food System

    They are quite vague. One of the problems is livestock farmers are getting subsidies. They should be getting less support, not more. It’s unclear if this 2024 Farm Bill separates livestock farmers from the others.

    Tell the World Bank to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels

    Agreed. Though it’s a shame the action stops there. The advice should be to use cash as much as possible and to avoid these banks in particular.