Stultitia et imperitivae = stupidity and ignorance. Couldn’t agree more with the spirit of this post.
Stultitia et imperitivae = stupidity and ignorance. Couldn’t agree more with the spirit of this post.
Environmental changes such as blackout curtains, a humidifier (at least in dry climates), complete silence/soothing music (depending on your personal preference), weighted or warming blankets have helped my son who is on the autism spectrum.
This is a great reply! Good sleep habits can be hard for everyone, neurotypical or autistic. My son was having trouble sleeping due to a medication he was prescribed by his doctor. We reviewed this at a recent med check and the doctor changed the schedule so the meds would wear off a few hours before bedtime and he’s sleeping much better now. He has fewer headaches, fewer nightmares, better emotional regulation, and better focus. It’s hard to parse which of these are due to the medication change and which are due to better sleep, but better sleep is always a good thing.
This is very a very important distinction, thank you for this reply. Melatonin in high doses administered for a long time has also been loosely correlated with delayed puberty. There are no clinical studies I am aware of that prove this but something I have been concerned about for my children. It’s scary giving any type of medication or supplement to my kids, even those that have decades of research. I’m not advocating for anyone to start or stop taking melatonin but it’s good to be informed about the possible effects. Here’s the journal article I read: Could long-term administration of melatonin to prepubertal children affect timing of puberty? A clinician’s perspective
No, I would not say it helped with his anxiety. He does not have clinically diagnosed anxiety. Although he does have anxiety episodes now and then. He’s also taking a stimulant for ADHD and that seems to help regulate a lot of his ADHD/impulse control/anxious behaviors. He has an inverse reaction to stimulants like many on the autism spectrum.
Aside from melatonin or other supplements/medications, have you tried any type of therapeutic activities? Brushing, deep pressure, exercise like lifting weights, or joint compression have helped my son when he has an anxiety episode or is feeling very hyperactive.
My son takes it and says it helps him sleep much better at nights.
Not visible for me on the Voyager app
Seems like AI wrote this. And did a good job!
It actually really simple. High-pitch, high intensity (around 150 Db) sound projected directly towards your ears causes pain to your ears. If you’re close enough then it can permanently damage your hearing. It can also blow out some microphones so many recordings of this from a victim’s perspective don’t actually contain audio of the actual deterrent sound.
This depends on a lot of factors like distance, direction, and original intensity. But it can be painful or worse, cause permanent hearing loss.
Source: https://www.acentech.com/resources/long-range-acoustic-devices-lrad-and-public-safety/
All good info. A bit outside of this post context but helpful nonetheless.
Good advice but the respirator doesn’t wrap around the ears so in the context of acoustic protection/reflection it doesn’t seem effective. I agree that a shield is conspicuous… I’m just spitballing about total effectiveness in theory. I like the end of the video shared above where the concave parabolic shape of the shield (when reversed) was used to redirect the LRAD sound at the operator. Pretty cool seeing a vulnerability in a system exploited in that way.
Thanks for sharing this video! It’s a great resource. $5 shop headphones and a polycarbonate shield you can make for under $100 beats a $20,000-$100,000 LRAD. I wonder if ear plugs, shop headphones, and a shield would be any more effective.
This is in Turkey, not the US. Also not TikTok employees but Telus Digital employees. Shit headline.
Light olive oil on the crust before topping with sauce. Corn meal or corn meal/salt mixture under the crust to help absorb moisture trapped underneath. Perforated pans also help. I also cook at a higher temperature. 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure to preheat. A brick oven or pizza stone will help with consistent heating.
Maybe take a look at CanI.RootMy.TV. Seems to be mainly focused at LG WebOS but I’m not sure what vendor, model, and firmware you’re running. If you provide some more specific information you might get some more helpful answers for the situation you described. I totally respect that you might have left some detail out for privacy.
Predicting Trump and co are going to start saying Wall Street went woke and corporate boards are being paid for their opposition by China and George Soros. All the greatest hits.
Sorry, I wasn’t trying to correct anyone, I had to look this up and that’s what my translator returned. I’m agreeing that this should be the de facto slogan for the White House (and most of Congress).