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Joined 7 days ago
Cake day: March 9th, 2025


  • The revolt will eventually happen, but its nearly impossible to predict the tipping point. When the Berlin Fall came down, it was so spontaneous that not a single intelligence agency in the world saw it coming. One day, an East German guard just decided that he wouldn’t shoot or detain someone trying to escape, and within hours, people from both sides were crawling all over it, smashing it with sledgehammers.

    All we can do is get prepared, and stay alert. One day, it will happen, and we’ll be extremely lucky if it happens as non-violently as the fall of the Berlin Wall.

  • Exactly. The fact that he decisively won EVERY battleground state is impossible. After HitlerPig gave his State of the Union address, the Dems sent out a Michigan rep who gave credibility to the concept that there were many voters who voted entirely Democratic, except for HitlerPig, and she said it with a straight face, like such people truly exist. They absolutely don’t.

  • Far more voted for Harris, but there was massive voter fraud, purged voter rolls, disenfranchised votes, rejected votes, all provisional votes were rejected, and voting machines were hacked, probably by multiple parties (Musk, Russians, Chinese, perhaps others).

    Now the Republicans get to laugh derisively at Democrats falling all over themselves questioning the directions and strategies that actually won the election, but had it stolen. Rather than question their direction, the Dems should be supporting massive governmental and private investigations into the massive Republican election fraud in the 2024 election.

    If the Dems don’t get their shit together, and stop pretending the Republicans won "fair & square, " we can expect nearly every Congressional election to got to Republicans, and HitlerPig will win the 2028 election with 98% of the vote. He will use that enormous number to justify ignoring the Consitutional 2 term limit.

  • Is it really true, though? I suspect a lot of those people dont really like HitlerPig, but they are diehard Republicans, and will vote for ANY Republican they are presented with. The only reason they support Republicans so much is because they have been well-indoctrinated by the Conservative Propaganda Machine, and they don’t have the Critical Thinking Skills to reject even the most obvious propaganda. They have been taught more to HATE evil Democrats/Liberals than love Republicans. They arent really voting for the Republican candidate, they are voting AGAINST ANY Democrat.

  • Agent Krasnov is, by ALL objective measures, the most prolific Traitor in American history. In fact, he has probably caused more damage than ALL other American traitors COMBINED.

    At this point, anyone who still supports HitlerPig is as much an authentic traitor as he is. I only wish the very worst outcomes for them. Losing their jobs and homes is the mildest punishment they deserve.

    I operate a business, and I havent had to hire anyone lately. But if I were, I would absolutely ask them who they supported for president in 2020 and 2024, which is perfectly legal. Anyone who voted for HitlerPig would be immediately, and rudely, be rejected. I won’t employ anyone with such obviously poor Critical Thinking Skills.

  • It’s not that they hate animals, they literally have no understanding of hate, love, empathy, conscience, or any other human emotion toward animals, or even humans for that matter.

    Being Socio/Pyschopathic is a primary character trait of MAGATurds. Usually they try to disguise their broken personalities, but MAGA has made it fashionable to celebrate their mental illness. Now we live in a nation where good people have to disguise themselves as sociopaths so they can fit in.

  • Its always hard to predict the tipping point. When the Berlin Wall came down, it surprised literally every intelligence agency in the world. Everyone knew the Berlin Wall would fall someday, but nobody had a clue when, how, or why. And NOBODY knew it was that close.

    Then one day, it just happened. Someone tried to get through the wall, and a guard just simply refused to stop him, and the floodgates opened. Within minutes, people were smashing the wall with sledgehammers, and within hours the guards were gone, and the citizens were crawling all over it, knocking down sections.

    All we can do is prepare and maintain readiness. One day it will tough off somewhere, and it will spread fast. Have a plan, and remain alert.

  • I was a 12 year Redditor, with nearly 1 million Karma, so I was a major contributor for over a decade, yet I was recently perma-banned for repeating a perfectly normal anti-Trump/ anti-Insurrection opinion that I had previously stated numerous times with no warnings. Once Trump was elected, I was PERMANENTLY banned the next time I stated that opinion.

    Ohanian has announced that he wants to buy TikTok, and everyone knows that TikTok’s new American owner will be personally chosen by Krasnov, so hell want make the Sociopathic Oligarchs compete like dancing monkeys. Only those who have followed his orders, smooched his fat ass, and paid sufficient bribes will be considered. So they are combing through Reddit and banning anyone who might hurt HitlerPig’s feelings.

    At first I wasn’t happy about the much smaller comment sections on Lemmy, but then I realized that it also isn’t flooded with bots, trolls, endless stupid terrible puns, and overmoderation.

  • America had the highest incarceration rate in the world. The average maximum security prison houses 800-1200 people. The largest, in Angola, LA, holds 8300. They are already building a new facility in Guantanamo that will hild 30,000, almost four times larger than the largest existing prison. The supposed purpose was to house the enormous number of undocumented they intend to arrest, but with the speed they are deporting, they dont seem to need such a large facility.

    Who else would they want to detain on a remote base in Cuba, far from the prying eyes of journalists or the courts?