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Joined 20 days ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2025

  • Hard agree. I didn’t realize how awful this felt in practice and how much I genuinely missed conversations until Lemmy.

    Every popular thread I got into the habit of ignoring the top comments because I’ve seen them 1000 before. Like being forced to watch the most unfunny 90’s sitcom.

    I realize now that I would only comment on other comments— deep in comment chains.

    Coming to Lemmy felt like the difference between trying to fish a pre-packaged snack out of a vending machine (Reddit) verses sitting down for a high quality all you can eat brunch (Lemmy).

  • It’s similar to how Americans can have domestic terrorism be a constant occurrence but it barely is a concept. It’s not uncommon to have small cells blow up and sabotage electric grids during the dead of winter now. It’s common enough where every winter I have some prep just in case my grid is attacked.

    Or even more regularly, lone wolves mass shoot people waiting for a 4th of July Parade, or the movies, or the grocery store, or a school, or anywhere really because being shot dead for no reason is always a consideration for an American. My family always has eyes out for mass shooters. There’s a few in my city every year.

    Hell we even had domestic terror cells plot to kidnap and murder a Blue State Governor.

    But still Americans generally won’t connect all of these things and call it what it is: an irregular war on a domestic level.

    Americans who haven’t gone to war themselves, or haven’t studied this issue, think of war mostly and only as Total War. Where everything is bombed out 100%. There is no functioning anything and there’s only apocalyptic style survival. More like a zombie apocalypse scenario.

    They don’t realize that “war” for normal people…is just life and life keeps going. Which is not unlike what most Americans live under every day—living life as best they can while trying to avoid massive hits of destruction and violence. (Ukraine is obviously a much higher grade of actual war.)

    This concept of, the only real war is Total War, is partly why it’s so easy to sell to American Conservstives that Ukraine should just give up because they’re already dead. I think that the Americans who believe this propaganda would be shocked to know that anything still stands in Ukraine. I assume they assume that 95% Ukraine looks like post-bomb Dresden.

  • I have come to suspect they do absolutely know this. And it’s why they put stops in at every turn. I can’t say what’s actually going on in their heads but it’s not winning elections and it sure as hell isn’t representing their constitutents desires. Democrats are a Conservative Party—classically liberal. They do not like or want actual progressive policy.

    There’s no way they don’t know that progressive platforms win.

    Look at all the flipped party double agents over the past few years who ran as progressives and flipped to Republican as soon as they got into office? They absolutely know.

  • Russia’s economy is a war time economy. Everything is transitioned over to war. Even if Russia got everything it demanded today, the war would not end. Why? Because Russia is not prepared and is not willing to dismantle their war-time economy and switch it back to a normal peace-time economy.

    Russia is obviously untrustworthy as they break deals and promises all the time (which is how we are here, in war right now). But even if Russia was trustworthy, any peace accord that does not include a roadmap for Russia to renormalize their economy would be a temporary ceasefire at best.

    Amazing how far a 3.6% GDP country can get with Assets, Sharp Power, and Chekist attitude alone.

    Rubio is a jellyfish. What a coward.

  • I just came over from Reddit. I stepped back after the API debacle but didn’t switch to Lemmy until this week when they threatened me for upvoting something “violent” (honestly, no idea what it could have been).

    Anyway, I want to agree with your sentiment. Remember Reddit before they started messing with the upvotes? Top posts would have 1k-2k upvotes and outstanding insanely popular posts would break like 7k.

    On Lemmy, I scan the comments and I easily can see real people talking. I usually have to scan a long time on Reddit to find real people and not bots recycling comments. It makes me wonder how many real humans are commenting over there.

    Glad there’s humans here.