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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • My succulent is flowering! There’s something about it that makes me think little shop of horrors. I don’t normally grow succulents, was gifted a little tiny bit a couple of years ago, left it on the dashboard of my van and it thrived. It’s outdoors now for the summer and seems to be loving it

  • Thanks for reminding me of that! Yeah I’ve had some success with copper in the past, more than I did with beer traps etc. I’ve also tried planting suicide crops - marigolds are a good one, slugs fuckin bee line to marigolds. But I’m never quite sure if this distracts the slugs from my sunflowers or if my marigolds bring all the slugs to the yard!

    Yeah maybe I should try copper again next year, don’t have any copper wire right now so I’m just trying to put pots with vulnerable plants high up where slugs gotta work for it until the plants are well established. A mature sunflower has a kinda hairy stalk, anti slug protection. The challenge is keeping them safe until they reach that stage.

    Tbh I feel like last winter was too mild and didn’t knock the slugs back hard enough.

  • Lol that is not a new joke. Part of my family comes from a travelling community, and I first started living in vehicles maybe thirty years ago. You can joke, but it’s more sustainable than bricks and mortar. My electric is solar, my heating reclaimed wood. No part of the land had to be concreted and built on so that I could have a home. It’s not right for everyone but I believe in sustainable community living and I put my money where my mouth is. You?

  • Why on earth would they give those sweet pre-IPO shares up to the unwashed masses if they thought there was even a remote chance the IPO would at least break even?

    I suspect it’s because they’re worried that their users are going to short them and encourage others to do the same, so they’re trying to get them involved and committed. They don’t want WSB causing shit. My guess is that the share prices will do pretty well, at least initially. There are plenty of ignorant investors who want to get in on the next big tech stock. Just a guess though, I don’t know enough about this stuff to invest in stocks myself.

  • I mean, people paid to attend trump ‘university’. There are always plenty of fools who will buy stupid shit. I kind of feel sorry for the students though. Most people are pretty young at university age and many are still forming their perspectives. Getting away from home and meeting new people is an important part of this. Plenty of people from conservative families go away to uni and start to see that they’ve been brought up on bullshit. This is an attempt to stop that from happening - the ‘anti-woke’ shit will attract more conservative students which will reduce the chance that any of them will encounter different views and cultures so they stay in their ignorance bubble. Don’t want little Johnny or Jane coming home from school an anarchist! It’s sad for the students though who will come away in massive debt with a useless degree and have less opportunity for healthy change.