• 245 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I don’t think I’ve ever met a Gary.

    Edit: I did more digging and this is false

    Let’s clear this up - the last person to be called Gary WAS NOT BORN IN 1992 and they will not die out by 2050.

    The story comes from the Daily Mash, a very funny site but really, when this quote was used, everyone should have known it was a joke:

    “Logan, who tours maternity hospitals promoting the name Gary, said: ‘We’ve already lost Alan, the last Ken is living in a shed in Farnborough and the Lees that were once at every party claiming they knew martial arts are increasingly rare.’”

    Still never met one though, but I’m Canadian.

  • Dr Sarah Jackson, the lead author of the study, based at the UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care, said that current plans to tax high-nicotine vapes at a higher rate may make it less affordable to quit smoking.

    She said: “Our study shows a sharp increase in the use of high-strength nicotine e-liquids in England since 2021.

    “Nicotine may be addictive, but it is not what causes the great majority of harms from smoking. For smokers trying to quit, vaping with higher-strength nicotine is likely to be more effective, as it satisfies cravings more quickly and provides better relief from withdrawal symptoms.

    “Taxing higher-strength nicotine products at higher rates will make the most effective way to quit less affordable, which may drive vapers towards lower-strength e-liquids and potentially undermine smoking cessation attempts. Of smokers who had quit within the last year and were vaping, we found that around 40% reported using those products which would attract the highest proposed tax rate.”

    Meanwhile my gov decided to tax by volume so everyone is incentivized to buy stronger stuff.