• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • That’s a coincidence! I don’t believe that’s actually Thunder since that looks to be a Windows app (although you can technically build Thunder on Windows so there’s a very slim chance)

    was wondering where this is originally from?

    Here’s a bit of backstory!

    The Thunder logo was inspired from other thunderbolt vector images that I encountered online. All of the images I encountered felt very “sharp” so I simply tried to adjust the corners to be more round.

    So while there isn’t technically a “source” of the logo (at least that I’m aware of), I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s already something very similar! 😅

  • Hey there, are you by any chance subscribed to a lot of communities? If so, that may be the reason for the stuttering when opening the drawer.

    This is a known issue and I have fix for that in this PR which should greatly improve that: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/pull/1452

    Occasionally, it also stutters when I scroll through my feed.

    Do you mind sharing if you have full height images enabled? Generally, having that on is a bit more intensive because Thunder needs to calculate the width/height for each image (as Lemmy does not provide that info directly) - this should improve once Lemmy sends back the image dimensions in their API!

    If you don’t have that option enabled, feel free to submit a new issue on GitHub and I can take a closer look at it. Thanks!

  • Hey! I think there might’ve been some misunderstandings I would like to clarify.

    In the previous versions (v0.4.0 and below), the in-app setting for default feed type/sort was also applied globally for all feeds (e.g, subscribed, local, all, and individual community feeds used the same sort type). In this update, the same thing applies, except that it’ll use your Lemmy account’s default feed type/sort instead of the one configured within Thunder. The main reasoning is to allow your Lemmy settings to sync across apps!

    I hope we can still get different sorting types per communities.

    Definitely! There are plans to allow for custom sort types per feed/community mentioned in this GitHub issue. When this feature eventually gets implemented, that setting will take precedence over all other settings if (that makes sense). Once this is implemented, the order of precedence would be:

    • Sort type of individual feed/community (if enabled)
    • Lemmy account default feed sort type (when logged in)
    • Thunder’s default feed sort type (for guest accounts)

  • Hey there! There are a couple of options I would double check:

    If you go to Account Settings, can you check if “Show Post/Comment Scores” is enabled?

    If that setting is enabled, I would go to Settings -> Appearance -> Posts and double check that the score metadata is added to Card View Settings

    If none of these work, then I would suggest opening a new GitHub issue with some more details on how we can reproduce this issue. Thanks!

  • Thanks for confirming this! Does this happen every single time? Or are there specific scenarios that trigger this?

    For example, if you reply to a short post/comment, does the markdown toolbar disappear? It would be really useful if you could make a new issue on GitHub for this (with possible reproducible steps or videos) to help us figure this out! Additionally, which keyboard do you use? Is it the stock keyboard or a different one?

    I still haven’t been able to reproduce this on my end so it’s tough to figure out what the root cause is unfortunately 😅

  • Hey there! As others have mentioned, it could be an issue with your network.

    Are you perhaps using a VPN? If so, this may be an issue as some instances block image uploading or other actions (I believe lemmy.world blocks image uploads if you’re using a VPN)

    If you’re still having issues, feel free to open up a new GitHub issue and we can take a further look into this (as a side note, I’m using iOS and I haven’t encountered any issues)!