It was different across platforms but there was also a much later remake I think.
I’m not sure there is. It’s pretty much a perfect reply. Actual useful advice and a play on words that is simultaneously very apparent but not forced or detracting.
I also had this fear. It lasted later than six years old, too. I don’t like the sound even now as an adult. I never questioned it until recently when discussing sensory issues. It was pointed out that while I keep saying I have none, there’s actually a a list of things I’ve mentioned that are what other people call sensory issues.
Hmm. I really struggled to type that and now I know why. Clearly my brain knew something was wrong but my conscious mi d was not seeing it
But also fantasfuckingtastic seems fine, to me. Just one letter moved.
I agree with you on the ending. It felt like they intentionally left a lot unresolved to encourage calls for a second season, at the expense of the story. It would have been much better if there was some resolution to a few aspects and/or a hint at the fallout of the actions in the season.
Good subtle world building, too.
Might be underwiring they need, instead.
Ah, I see. We don’t tend to put it to the mouth. It’s more “fuck you”. Apparently comes from demonstrating to the French that you still have your bow-drawing fingers and intend to use them. British archers captured by the french would have their first two fingers removed to prevent them launching arrows.
In the UK two fingers up is a rude gesture and it comes from battles with the french. If they caught a British archer they removed those fingers so they couldn’t fire a bow. So sticking them up at the enemy and gesturing was showing they had them and would use them to fire arrows at them. I am not an historian, though, and this could just be one of those tales that sounds so true everyone believes it and passes it on.
We do? Can you describe the gesture? Maybe it’s so ingrained I don’t even recognise it. Or I need to learn it. Then I can use it at everyone today.
Gene Wilder as Willie Wonka.