• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • erogenouswarzone@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlClassic John
    9 months ago

    Any mention of a server room reminds me of the fable of the guy, we’ll call him Mike, who unplugged the Internet.

    I can’t remember where I read it, I think it was greentext on Reddit years ago.

    So Mike is an intern, and due to some weird circumstances he becomes the only network admin in the building. Well, one day he doesn’t esnt feel like working, so on his way in, he stops by the server room and unplugs the internet.

    He then goes to his desk like a normal day. Then he starts getting phone calls. Everybody is freaking out because there is no Internet. So he begrudgingly descends into the server room and starts playing video games on his phone.

    Close to the end of the day, he plugs the Internet back in and ascends a hero to the employees because they think he’s been working hard all day to give them internet.

  • erogenouswarzone@lemmy.mlto> Greentext@lemmy.mlAnon plays L4D2
    9 months ago

    Well, back in 19 and dickaty-2 there was whisperings of a movie tie-in. The money spent, well I won’t bore you with that, wouldn’t mean much these days. But let’s say it was epic - do people still say that? Boy, they used to.

    Anyway, they rushed to production and built a million billion cartridges. Do you know what those are? These little black boxes that had the whole video game on these massive chips. Of course they were small in those days.

    So they send it to market and it doesn’t work. So then nobody bought it. And did you know, they buried all those cartridges way out in the desert some where, and that’s where the aurora borealis comes from - the sky used all those chips to paint pretty pictures. And the video game industry began a bloodless vendetta that’s still around today, to make up for that blunder by making as much money as possible, even if the game’s not worth it.