• 7 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2024

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoMemes@sopuli.xyzWin win
    11 hours ago

    Toyota makes electric cars and also hydrogen cars. But really EV’s arent all that great for the environment. Lithium mining is pretty awful not to mention super exploitative. And there is this bottleneck of liFePo battery production that we and the industry at large seem to be ignoring. Currenty less than 8% of the amount of new vehicles sold annually on the planet are EV so we would need to increase the supply by at least 1250% plus all the other industries that rely on lithium batteries like cordless power tools, batteries and many other consumer electronics. So likely we would need to increase production by 2000% and thats a conservative estimate and then we would need to repeat this year after year after year. This us not going to be good for the environment regardless the increase in sustainability compared to ICE vehicles. We need to develop solar tech beyond what it is. Look at tje german auto manufacturer Sono who makes a solar ev that seems pretty promising for a technology in its infancy. Also we need to really take notes from toyota because manufacturing cars in the way that American automotive manufacturers have normalized, disposable planned obsolescence vehicles made to break down so that consumers will have to buy a mew one or pay for hours and hours of expensive labor, is just not sustainable. Toyota at least puts out vehicles that mostly Will still be on the roads 3 decades or more after their first purchase. When most other manufacturers are making vehicles that are pretty much crushed and sold for scrap after 100,000 miles or 10 years. So besides the technology itself the current model of consumer usage and disposal is not sustainable

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFairy Tales
    11 hours ago

    We can agree that our entire political system has been corrupted by money? Right?

    What makes people naively believe that our electoral processes have not been corrupted in the same exact way? Some delusional belief in American democratic exceptionalism?

    In germany their highest court decided that electronic voting is unconstitutional because it is impossible to differentiate between fraudulent results and legitimate ones for laypeople/anyone who isnt a cybersecurity or IT expert.

    Both parties are fascist albeit to differing degrees but both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of 14 traits of fascist regimes. The one trait they can claim plausible deniability in regards to is fraudulent elections. But if our corporate owned leaders have allowed our society to disintegrate to fascism 93% of the way then its pretty illogical to believe they would stop short and work diligently to prevent the last 7% from reaching that point.

    There is the Princeton study done within the lasy 2 decades that concluded the amount of influence one has on our political system and any legislated policy is directly proportional to the amount of wealth you have with regular working class people having a statistically near zero irrelevant amount of influence on any policy regardless of how popular or unpopular it may be. Since lewis f powell’s pro corporate supreme court decisions paved the way for citizens united and the erosion of our constitutional republic and its comprising democratic elements it has now become apparent for anyone paying attention that every aspect of our political system is for sale to the highest bidder and most likely the reality is that our presidential elections are rigged and have been since at least reagan. But even before then there was likely corruption involved since it is pretty much a historical fact that jfk won the presidency in no small part due to a backroom deal his father made with the mafia because of the connections he had made during his time establishing a bootleging empire during prohibition.

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFairy Tales
    11 hours ago

    Bro i was born and raised to be an evangelical nut job so you don’t have to project your qualms with white Christian nationalism on me.

    Those with capital who are in control of our political system are first and foremost fascists. They don’t care about christianity so much as it serves them as a tool to manipulate those dumb enough to buy into it. The whole perpetuating industrialized genocide to make a profit selling military ordinance and keep humanity under the boot of endless militarism is more dangerous than religion. Intertwining the two is a recipe for disaster but the main danger here are the war mongering billionaires not whatever imaginary friend they use to peddle bigoted hate and idiocy onto the masses

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoMemes@sopuli.xyzWin win
    11 hours ago

    Idk what poanet youre on but toyota makes great cars all around. The lexus RX/ toyota highlander (which is just the camry platform crossover) redefined suv crossovers. Without it suv’s tofay would be totally different. Also toyota 4cylinder hybrids get 60+ miles to the gallon the electric hybrid rav 4 in 2020 was getting 96 mpg. Toyota makes tons of wagons and sedans, tbe prius comes in wagon format the ct200h is a wagon, Camry, carola, avalon, gs300, ls350, sc400, I mean if you dont want a car that will last 3-5 decades plus that was made to last then get what you want. I cant tell you how many late 90’s early aughts toyota products are still on the road i see dozens every day. I have one. A 2004 rx330 with 225,000 miles on it. Aiming to take it to a million miles. There is a reason toyota products have great resale value, are highly desired and have stellar consumer reports ratings. And they are pretty easy to work on so you dont have to pay 200+ an hour at a mechanic if youre not an idiot and are mechanically inclined.

    And if you want something else then go honda. Toyota and honda products are hands down the 2 best quality manufacturers that produce reliable lasting vehicles.

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoMemes@sopuli.xyzWin win
    16 hours ago

    Hyundai makes awful products. Look at the major lawsuits they had due to engine manufacturing defects that caused oil deprivation and rod knock(when the crank case/ engine block is too low on oil the bearing sleeves in between the crank shaft and connecting rods that attach to the pistons end up wearing excessively from running dry making the connection loose so the engine will make a loud knocking noise that means it is FUBAR and needs a new engine or a rebuild) across like a dozen different model / engine subvarients over a 12 year period. They are cheaply made. South Korea is a western proxy state their corporate culture is to maximize profits on the backs of consumers and cur costs wherever possible.

    Buy a toyota or honda if you want a reliable quality vehicle. Maybe a volvo or a vw product but only if you know how to maintain cars yourself otherwise youll be paying a lot for maintenance on german cars, but toyotas are made to keep running even if you neglext maintenance and are super reliable if routine maintenance is kept up.

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFairy Tales
    16 hours ago

    Repeat after me …. The democratic party is funded by the same wall street military and prison industry profiteers that fund the republican party and they are fundamentally opposed to shifting policy to the left and adopting economic democracy to any extent in their platform to the point they would rather ensure a right wing candidate wins by sabotagingrg any popular pro workers rights candidate rather than nominate anyone left of their platform which makes american western neo liberal democracy a defacto class dictatorship!

  • i dint know why anyone would buy anything besides a Toyota or Honda product American automotive corporations have shown time and again they put profitability and planned obsolescence over consumer trust and vehicle reliability in every instance. And if consumers could do their research and just understand that the WV revolution will never happen with the industry relying on LiFePo batteries. The mining of lithium salts is very harmful for the environment and the people doing it who are virtually all exploited third world inhabitants in countries with regulatory committees weak enough to allow mass exploitation of the labor force to ensure EV’s are profitable. We need to double down on solar tech and improve its efficiency. There is a brand from Germany, SONO, they manufacture a solar vehicle and if they had the amount of capital musk has conned off the American taxnpayers maybe we would see a path to a true sustainable form of personal transportation in the next 5 decades. But as things are it isnt possible. There is a bottleneck for LiFePo battery production. We would beed to increase output by at least 1000% to ensure we could meet consumer demand for new vehicles with ev tech. Not to mention the cordless power tool industry, disposable vapes and all the other industries that rely on this tech. So people have been buying into a mass delusion through advertising propaganda/pr just to stuff musks pockets at our expense

  • The US elections(at very least the Presidential elections)are entirely rigged/ predetermined by corporate wall street influence. Corporations have been manipulating everything to their benefit for the last 6 decades. Every aspect of our political policy is already obviously corrupted by money its naive to believe this one thing isn’t because democracy is some sacred aspect of American exceptionalism. Both parties are fascist there is no left political party in the usa the democratic party by the standards of the rest of the developed world Is a right wing party. To varying degrees both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of the 14 traits of fascism. The only one trait that they can claim plausible deniability in regards to is fraudulent elections but if we are 13/14ths the way there it is highly unlikely the last trait hasn’t already come to pass. In germany their highest constitutional court ruled that electronic voting is unconstitutional because it is impossible to differentiate between fraudulent results and legitimate ones for laypeople / anyone who isnt a cybersecurity expert or IT professional.

    So really the idea that americans voted for this when its obvious the majority is very displeased about the state of our society and has been for years while conservatives tell us that social Media sites are left wing biased echo chambers but have to heavily moderate their conservative echo chambers to present the image that conservatism is popular in anyway its all just a ridiculous farce.

    Plus there is the Princeton study done in the last 2 decades or so that determined the amount of influence anyone has on political policy making is directly tied to the amount of wealth you have with regular working people having a statistically meaningless near zero effect on policy writing regardless of how popular or unpopular that policy may be

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldA Gun
    8 days ago

    Any civilian paramilitary that amasses the necessary ordinance and resources to stand up to an oppressive state will inevitably become a state actor. We are talking about guerrilla militant resistance which sprouts from grass roots organized dissent. There are many ways to build that type of movement but currently all the outlets necessary to propel such organizing are heavily suppressed, censured and moderated/controlled

  • Lmao. The “left” hasnt had a successful resistance to fascism because there is no left in the 2 party system and those gatekeeping the main stream discourse are bought and paid for by wall street military and prison industry profiteers. I bet you were parroting anti bernie sanders sentiment in 2016 and 2020 and now you’re pointing the finger at voters for the obvious failings a decrepit neo liberal right wing bourgeoisie puppeted controlled opposition party. All we need is another boomer dad telling us rowdy kids to quiet down and learn to be respectful towards the adults who are responsible for the disaster they allowed to metastasize.

  • And who happily took the bribes from those who engorge themselves on passive income? Both parties. But the party that pretends to represent the people and virtue signaling about trans rights, blm and identity politics while ignoring real working class issues is the Democratic party. We dont have a left party in the usa. A right leaning center party is not an opposition party to a far right party, you dont fight fascism with tepid corporatist lite semi fascist policies,. You fight it with ideas that actually oppose their platform. Chick schumer just showed us what the Democratic party thinks. They want to appeal to moderate voters and centrists or the imaginary friends that true leftists know don’t exist or even if they did they dont matter within the conversation of social progress. We are being gaslit and you’re buying into the gaslighting

  • The enemy that divided us was the democratic party who made it clear they were more than willing to sabotage working class voters to ensure that policy would not move to the left. Their main prerogative is to thwart economic democracy and maintain the class dictatorship of neo liberalism that their wall street military and prison industry profiteers pay them to maintain. The enemy isnt the right its billionaire war mongering prison industry profiteers who control both parties. The democratic party by the standards of the rest of the developed world is a center right party. We don’t even have a true left opposition party in the us just two different flavors of conservative boot licking bullshit working to undermine working class consciousness and solidarity at every possible opportunity