Lmao. The “left” hasnt had a successful resistance to fascism because there is no left in the 2 party system and those gatekeeping the main stream discourse are bought and paid for by wall street military and prison industry profiteers. I bet you were parroting anti bernie sanders sentiment in 2016 and 2020 and now you’re pointing the finger at voters for the obvious failings a decrepit neo liberal right wing bourgeoisie puppeted controlled opposition party. All we need is another boomer dad telling us rowdy kids to quiet down and learn to be respectful towards the adults who are responsible for the disaster they allowed to metastasize.
Any civilian paramilitary that amasses the necessary ordinance and resources to stand up to an oppressive state will inevitably become a state actor. We are talking about guerrilla militant resistance which sprouts from grass roots organized dissent. There are many ways to build that type of movement but currently all the outlets necessary to propel such organizing are heavily suppressed, censured and moderated/controlled