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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Hopefully, this doesn’t break rule one and/or two too much. If so, let me know and I’ll delete.

    I think I know a little more than you about French president Macron, but if so, not by much. So here’s the blind arguing with the blind!

    Full disclaimer, this is a copypasta of the answer I got from an AI assistant:

    Certainly! Let’s explore both perspectives on French President Emmanuel Macron:

    1. Positive Perspective: Emmanuel Macron, as the French President, has made significant strides in positioning Europe as a more assertive global power. His vision for a united Europe, especially during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, demonstrates his commitment to international stability and cooperation. Macron’s close cooperation with other world leaders, such as United States President Joe Biden, highlights his dedication to addressing global challenges, including climate change and defending democracy. Furthermore, his efforts to rejuvenate France and prepare it for crises underscore his determination to lead effectively on the world stage. Macron’s energy, international presence, and rhetorical vision have garnered him support both domestically and internationally.
    1. Critical Perspective: However, Macron’s presidency has not been without controversy. His perceived elitism, stemming from his background in finance and top universities, has alienated some segments of French society. His centralization of power and occasional gaffes, like telling an unemployed gardener to “cross the road” to find a job, have fueled class-based resentment. Additionally, his polarizing effect during the “yellow vest” protests and the visceral rejection he faces from part of the population mirror the challenges he encounters as a leader. While Macron scores well in polls on competency and presidential stature, his presidency remains divisive.

    In summary, Macron’s impact on the world stage is multifaceted, with supporters praising his global vision and critics highlighting his perceived elitism and class-based tensions. Ultimately, whether he is a good president for the world depends on individual perspectives and priorities.

    That’s what I used to help myself determine if you were a little too harsh on him. I thought it could be beneficial to share, but like I started this response with, if this is frowned upon, I’ll happily remove this!

  • It really is unfortunate. 🫤

    When asked for his view of what happened, Albon said he was trying to back off once he realised he was in Ricciardo’s blind spot, but couldn’t help avoiding the contact. “I had a grip advantage [on soft tyres], kind of surprised [with] the grip I had out of [Turn] 2, and was able to pull underneath him and have a good run into 3,” Albon explained. "More about just trying to get him a little bit off line [at Turn] 3 and try and find a way for 4, 5, 6, 7 - to see if I could upset his line a little bit. "Obviously just one of them. He didn’t see me, clearly. I tried to back out of it last minute. "There was a moment where I realised he hadn’t seen me here, the way he’s pulling across, so I hit the brakes and tried to get out of it.

    “But I was almost too far alongside him and he still was coming across, I couldn’t avoid it.” With no spare car available until Miami, Williams is continuing to walk on eggshells while its pool of spare parts dwindles. “It’s no secret that we are having a tough time with it at the moment with the parts we’ve got,” Albon acknowledged. This is going to hurt us for sure."