Happy that you got it working. What exactly does not work with the photos? Fell free to open a GitHub issue, if that’s easier.
Happy that you got it working. What exactly does not work with the photos? Fell free to open a GitHub issue, if that’s easier.
I really love working with PocketBase. It gives you such a headstart, but also is highly customizable. It’s really the best of both worlds.
I don’t know the app. But on the linked page it says it supports GPX and KML. Both of which wanderer supports.
Exactly! As long as you have the track in a GPX, TCX or KML file, you are good to go.
You can also plan your route directly on wanderer (so you don’t fall off another cliff ;))
Thanks! No this is an extremely low spec server: 2GB RAM and 2 virtual cores.
Or use the demo ;)
Cool! I always recommend OsmAnd.
I think you might misunderstand what wanderer does. It is not a maps service like Open Street Maps. It’s simply a database in which you can store your GPS tracks. So the workflow would look like this: you are in the woods and record your track (e.g. with osmand) -> you store your track in GPX format -> you upload your track (and any additional info like a description or photos) to wanderer -> before your next adventure you check wanderer to decide what you want to do
I see. I’m unfamiliar with the protocol, but sharing trails is definitely on the roadmap. So I will look into it!
Thanks for promoting wanderer! Finding trails on the map should be no problem, you can currently mark trails as public so that not logged-in users can see the trail. I have thought of steering wanderer towards a more socially interactive platform. I think a good first step would be to allow comments and implement a rating system.
Thanks for the crowdsourced translation website. I was looking for something like this. I will set it up and add it to the contributing section of the documentation.
I’m not sure if I understand your question correctly. Do you mean creating a trail from scratch on the map without recording it before? That is indeed on my roadmap.
Ah yes, sorry, the upload is currently capped at 5MB. You can change that limit in the PocketBase backend. I will add a guide to the docs.