Fajitas. I can feel that I am supposed to be doing fajitas.
Fajitas. I can feel that I am supposed to be doing fajitas.
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This is really good, clicked for the album cover and then kind of spaced out and left it in the background lol. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve been sober for the past two years, but I do still have fun memories even tho staying up for days eventually became the norm and nothing I’d say I miss. But these specific memories are from early days (like, my teens) and we didn’t have money to stock up or resupply at those hours really, and we usually were running around outside as we didn’t have our own apartments, so that was the bus reference. Getting stuck out in some random suburb, no money, no way to get home, no more speed or pills, cold af outside… And some mf happens to have poppers lol.
I have so many fun poppers memories because it is never the first choice, it is always just “some guy” who no one actually knew but ended up at the party anyways and it is 4 in the morning and everything is out, and there are five hours until the next bus but running out of poppers is more or less impossible so now everyone is kinda happy but also kinda bummed out cause something else would have been better…
Sure like dystopian scifi, but less the 1984-kind and more the Homefront or Hunger Games-kind (the Academy thing gives me real YA novel vibes specifically that whole wave of Hunger Games like scifi).
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Bro thought so hard they dropped
I’ll be honest, I never hear anyone say vos in Spain, except an Argentinian who said it all the time and it sounded really odd
No just with a ‘c’. He is a historian, and expert in occultism. He is not writing like a practicioner but like a theologist or a sort of religious studies. I was very interested in this at the time and even tried for a while to study religion at some uni courses but personal life got in the way. Anyways, it is an excellent book in that it will just present to you practice and belief from a non-indulgent perspective.
I believe you! But the imagery of a group of tripping people staring at lights in the sky is pretty funny as well :p
Reminds me of doing shrooms with a guy I met at Freqs Of Nature festival, he tells me “I need to sit down a bit” so we do, and after an hour of silence goes “woah. I was just contacted by aliens”.
Man I will never forget his face, stone serious. We went back and danced after that.
I wanted to share some unexplainable experiences while on psychedelics but since you are on psychs no one believes you :(
The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish
I don’t remember the specifics of the mental process, this was like 8 years ago. But it was some sort of manifestation technique, probably in the first half of the book
Oh lol yeah. I did “magic” once and it freaked me out so bad I never tried it again.
So I was a bit of an edgy person and fascinated by religion. I bought a book about black magic on ebay or some shit, it came with a drop of blood from the previous owner I realized when I got it in the mail, which was kind of creepy bit you know, authentic?
So yeah, I am reading and it is fascinating stuff. I love the overall concepts and the metaphysical implications, but you know, I don’t actually believe in that stuff, so I decide to try it out…
The next day I go to work in a factory, we built trucks/lorries or what it is called in english. I try the techniques I read in the book, about highly specific manifestation and willing into existence. I visualize a sort of trade, and specify the factory will stop for an extended period of time, but not enough to cause any irrepairable economic harm or loss of employment, and certainly no physical or great emotional harm, only economical at a level far removed from the average floor worker. About an hour goes by, and everything stops. Apparently, the engines have not arrived from Germany, due to some delivery chain issue. We cannot continue the line as we are out of engines and they can only be inserted at one specific point, so everything stops until we get more. We all laugh and start just chilling around the factory, there is nothing to do anyways and we already cleaned everything imaginable the first 30 minutes or so (you would not believe how fast cleaning gets done when over a thousand people are ordered to clean because “well we can’t just have you standing around”). Now I want to make clear no big stop like this ever happened in my entire time there, especially not because of something that wasn’t a big fuckup by someone on site. I got kind of freaked out and never really touched that book again lol.
I have some other ones, but no one else was around for those so they are easier to just blame on me not being very mentally stable at the time.
Yes and no. I only play the 360 (because of money, not choice) and the very specific brand of action games they had are not a thing today. The mechanics and presentation are “retro” in the sense that they are from a different era.
There are many that share similarities but the more you play from this era today the more you notice how much things have changed.
Man compression is way cooler than I imagined.