Well I’m a democratic socialist and def not a communist, so I guess there’s the distinction.
Well I’m a democratic socialist and def not a communist, so I guess there’s the distinction.
Sorry for lack of updates, a lot has come up in life. I am going to make a post later today about the first season of “new” Doctor Who that I did indeed finally watch. TLDR: I liked it a lot but I’ll go more into detail later today
I dont believe in communism so Im not really concerned with that
Well I’m not for ending US hegemony so that doesn’t sound appealing to me.
Yeah I doubt it personally, it doesn’t seem to match anything ever reflected in Star Trek. But if you find it, do tell me!
I don’t think that’s what they were going with.
Perhaps lol
Though apparently remains a capitalist according to Lower Decks.
I don’t like the implication that full communism is only possible after a zombie apocalypse though lol
Well I’m not a Marxist Leninist or anything like that, and neither is Star Trek ever promoting anything like that
Where did you read this?
He was a Maoist?
Yeah, I find it odd because its Hollywood doing these references which isn’t exactly a left wing institution.
Ironically The Orville did that better by saying there are no prisons anymore in the Planetary Union.
Ah yeah socialism I guess is a less dirty word in those parts.
I thought socialism was social ownership, not welfare programs that exist under capitalism.
None of those quotes say private ownership of cars is gone. Cars aren’t the means of production btw, so I don’t even agree with SNW here.
Star Wars?
I liked Archer, I’d rank him up there with Kirk and Picard. Then again I havent seen the series in a long time, just bought the Blu Rays of it so I guess Ill rewatch it soon and see if I still think this