• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • In 2020, Kripke told fans that his “rough idea” for The Boys was “five seasons total,” acknowledging at the time, “But I also know better than to say how many seasons a show is gonna have.” Kripke’s last show Supernatural lasted for 15 seasons.

    Interesting parallel since supernatural was also supposed to be 5 seasons with the narrative arc all neatly wrapped up. Then they changed their mind and dragged the dead body of the show against the pavement for another 10 seasons.

  • Walkthrough how to solve a complex non-linear differential equation step-by-step. Each step should be incorrect and as you explain it you remove an item of clothing. Once you have no more clothes, for the next step you pour a glass of seemingly-milk from a labelless container. The glass sits there while you do another step and then you drink it and say “that’s good goat sperm”. Before you finish the equation, a doorbell rings. You go over to the front door, open it, and retrieve a package. As the camera follows you we can subtly see the sky is green. You place the package on a table and finish explaining the equation. After you’re done you open the package; it’s revealed to be a rubber mask of a politician of your choice. You say “it’s time to save our country” and put it on. The final shot is of you leaving the house. Give the film a French name.