• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • literally, already gave you one,

    No. You didn’t.

    Jews treat Jewishness as being an immutable thing

    No, genius… Zionists do that - and by conflating Zionism with Jewishness you prove just how thoroughly stuck you are viewing the world and all the people in it through a white supremacist lens. Jewish people can convert - and the only people who believe that a person who converts from Judaism to any other religion is still “Jewish” is a white supremacist.

    the Chinese treat being Chinese as an immutable thing

    Prove it - if you can.

    the Hindi Indians very much have always considered being a Hindi Indian as in immutable thing

    Prove it - if you can.

    YOU are racist, not “reverse racist” (whatever the fuck that’s supposed to be

    Projecting won’t hide the fact that you are a white supremacist, Clyde - and getting all angry because somebody showed no respect to your attempts to hide it by appealing to ahistoricity won’t change that.

  • it’s a rubble truncheon that can be turned on any group

    Oh, anyone, right? Show me where it gets turned on white people then - after all, it shouldn’t be too difficult for an “enlightened” liberal like you to prove the existence of “reverse racism”, eh?

    Spartan law branded everyone “Not Spartan” a slave

    Again, Clyde… this is such mundane knowledge that you can even find it on wikipedia - the highlights are mine:

    Dominant in ancient Greek and Roman conceptions of human diversity was the thesis that physical differences between different populations could be attributed to environmental factors. Though ancient peoples likely had no knowledge of evolutionary theory or genetic variability, their concepts of race could be described as malleable. Chief among environmental causes for physical difference in the ancient period were climate and geography. Though thinkers in ancient civilizations recognized differences in physical characteristics between different populations, the general consensus was that all non-Greeks were barbarians. This barbarian status, however, was not thought to be fixed; rather, one could shed the ‘barbarian’ status simply by adopting Greek culture.

    Let me spell it out for you, genius - these ancient cultures you are trying to hide behind had absolutely no concept of immutable “biological race” that you are so desperately trying to ascribe to them.

    ya, sorry, as “Spanish” as they come.

    Strange… you sound pretty WASP to me. But then again… all liberals desperately clinging on to their precious “see no white supremacism, hear no white supremacism, speak no white supremacism” schtick sound the same to me.

    "white” people, a concept once again only found in America


    Where did you learn your geography, Clyde? PragerU, maybe?

    hence why my grandfather’s childhood of having to camp and hide from the government, or how his father, my great-grandfather didn’t make it,

    Stop hiding your white supremacism behind your ancestors - they are not on here running interference for white supremacism. You are.

    I generally don’t study American history all that much,

    You sure as shit don’t seem to know squat about your own, either. You say you are Spanish, eh? And yet, you don’t even know that it was Spain that literally passed the very first laws in known history that can be recognized as racialized laws - or didn’t they teach you about “Limpieza de sangre” in high school?

    The medieval Arabs didn’t treat “Jewishness” as being an immutable thing - that’s a European invention. The medival Chinese didn’t treat “Blackness” as an immutable thing - that’s a European invention. The medieval Indians didn’t treat “Asian-ness” as an immutable thing - that’s a European thing.

    White supremacism is a European invention - and Spain played no less a part in it’s invention than Britain, France and Germany.

    It doesn’t matter how hard you try, Clyde - this is known history now. Your attempts to hide the origins of white supremacism away behind ancient peoples who had nothing to do with it’s creation or enforcement is dead in the water and there’s nothing you can do to bring it back to life.

  • It’s been done before… before the “Red Scare” there was the “Black Scare” - it’s where the trope of the “bomb-throwing anarchist” comes from.

    It’s a valid tactic - but if it’s not carefully done and well thought through, it can end up creating a lot of blowback… as it did for the anarchist Alexander Berkman when he attempted to assassinate the capitalist Henry Clay Frick (hint - don’t assassinate a capitalist during a strike… if the striking workers thought that’d work they’d probably do it themselves).

  • while “race” was a nebulous concept then as well

    “Race” stops being a nebulous concept once you write it into law, genius.

    Who was it that first institutionalized the “immutability” of race into law, Clyde? Do you think that part of history is hidden from us, perhaps?

    what he described was more akin to the “biological race” of today.

    Where is their race-based laws, Clyde?

    Fact is that racism has existed long before “whiteness” was even a concept

    Here… this is so mundane you can even find it on bloody Wikipedia.

    The concept of race as a categorization of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) has an extensive history in Europe and the Americas. The contemporary word race itself is modern; historically it was used in the sense of “nation, ethnic group” during the 16th to 19th centuries. Race acquired its modern meaning in the field of physical anthropology through scientific racism starting in the 19th century.

    Do you have any more flimsy ahistorical props to hide behind, or will that be it?

    because your entire world view only works in the VERY specific, VERY American context,

    You think European colonization only happened in the US? Really? Do tell, Clyde… where did you think the white supremacism that informed the people who wrote the US constitution came from? (Hint… it’s the exact same place those Ashkenazi people who rules Israel got their white supremacism from, too.)

  • Aristotle described the Asian race as having low spirit etc

    Did you even bother to find out how Aristotle’s world bothered to define “race” before you decided to use him as a prop to hide behind, genius? Was it cultural? Biological? Did they have a “One-drop” rule?


    Stop pretending that any smidgen of bigotry you find in a history book (somehow) equates to the institutionalized racialized caste system you were born into.

    coming about primarily as a way to distinguish oneself from outsiders

    No, no, no, Clyde - say it the way it is. Whiteness, and it’s placement at the top of the racialized caste system that we call white supremacism, was invented to justify and facilitate the massive and unprecedented exploitation and/or extermination of colonized people - and that is the order of things you and the rest of us was born into.

    Fundamentally, Race is a pre-nation state notion

    So which one will you be hiding behind this time, eh?