I wrangle code, draw pictures, and write things. You might find some of it here.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2024


  • Follow up for this post from the other day.

    Our DSO now greenlit the stupid Copilot integration because ā€œMicrosoft said itā€™s okayā€ (of course they did), and he also was on some stupid AI convention yesterday and whatever fucking happened there, heā€™s become a complete AI bro and is now preaching the Gospel of Altman that everyone whoā€™s not using AI will be obsolete in few years and we need to ADAPT OR DIE. Itā€™s the exact same shit CEO is spewing.

    He wants an AI that handles data security breaches by itself. He also now writes emails with ChatGPT even though just a week ago he was hating on people who did that. I sat with my fucking mouth open in that meeting and people asked me whether Iā€™m okay (Iā€™m not).

    I need to get another job ASAP or I will go clinically insane.

  • Am I understanding this right: this app takes a picture of your ID card or passport and the feeds it to some ML algorithm to figure out whether the document is real plus some additional stuff like address verification?

    Depending on where youā€™re located, you might try and file a GDPR complaint against this. Iā€™m not a lawyer but I work with the DSO for our company and routinely piss off people by raising concerns about whatever stupid tool marketing or BI tried to implement without asking anyone, and I think unless you work somewhere that falls under one of the exceptions for GDPR art. 5 Ā§1 you have a pretty good case there because that request seems definitely excessive and not strictly necessary.

  • These are not ā€œPython community guidelinesā€. These are the guidelines of a tyrannical clique who have grabbed power and control the access to the infrastructure.

    Lmao, fucking armchair revolutionaries at it again with interpreting a list of rules which essentially boils down to ā€œdonā€™t be an assholeā€ as the literal end of civilization because itā€™s attacking their assumed right to use slurs and insults free speech.

    Makes you think that itā€™s always the same kind of people who seem to have a problem with not being a racist twat in a public space. Feels like Iā€™ve seen similar discussions a dozen times in the Rust community too whenever the term inclusivity comes up.

  • Iā€™m still waiting for even one argument for the usefulness of AI image generation that isnā€™t fucked up. Just one.

    Grok seems so support nudity and deepfakes too according to some news articles Iā€™ve seen because of course nothing screams more free speech than plastering the face of your favorite actor or political opponent into a porn scene, so now letā€™s see how long it takes the first bluecheck fucker to try and create CSAM with it, because I suppose thatā€™ll be the point when it gets too hot even for Elon.