• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • What makes those methods better?

    Disclaimer, I’m at a sortof “advanced hobbyist” level of cad. My understanding of the topological naming problem in general is that it exists in all cad because it is a sortof byproduct of how computers keep track of data about 3 dimensional objects. If you make a cube, all the sides need to have an identifier associated with them. If you put a hole in that cube, you now have more identifiers and have to decide what ordering makes sense. It sounds easy to work around with a cube but when models get really complex it’s not so easy, especially when you change something way back at the beginning which creates more or less faces in the middle of the list somewhere.

    Freecad isn’t making the topological naming problem “go away”. They are creating (or rather merging, it’s been around a long time) an algorithm that makes a better guess at what the order should be, rather than sticking new faces in the list and reordering without any consideration of what happened after that face was created. This is, as far as I understand, also how other CAD packages do it, and you can still back yourself into a topological naming problem if you try hard enough (or don’t try at all I guess) in both freecad with the new changes applied, and in other CAD packages.

    So “best practice” is to be smart about the attachment of your geometry thinking about how things might change in the future, rather than clicking the closest face whenever you need a sketch plane. In reality modern proprietary cad is so good at guessing and maintaining consistency that it doesn’t matter unless your model is horrendously complex and whoever made it didn’t pay any attention to laying out the base sketches in an organized way.

    For example if you make a flange but you’re not quite sure about the thickness, base the sketch for say, the holes, on the parallel origin and offset it by the height of the pad or the length of the sketched geometry. Or use a spreadsheet or variableset for the value of both the thing that you define the thickness with, and the offset from the origin plane. That way if the value changes, nothing will break.

    I made a test model but it isn’t something that shows up well in a single screenshot unfortunately. See the “Flange Thickness” and z offset parameters in the property view. I used that for the flange dimensions, and the hole sketch offset.

  • Unfortunately I don’t know what is causing the exact issue you are having, however here are a few things I found when doing this myself that are “gotchas” (not immediately obvious).

    1. This is the reason your fonts are all Times New Roman. Go to that key using protontricks regedit and delete all the font replacements.

    2. Anything you put in $HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/assettocorsa stays there, even if you uninstall the game. If you want to “start over” you have to uninstall the game and then delete the whole assettocorsa directory there, and the wine prefix in $HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/244210

    3. AC and content manager work without .net changes in the latest GE but you do need corefonts which you can install with protontricks. If you want to be extra sure you have the right .net you can install dotnet472 but I don’t believe this is necessary anymore as it will be installed automatically or is already installed. You may get a wine .net error the first time you launch the game but it’s only the first time.

    4. If you choose to use CSP you have to unzip the archive you get from either Patreon or acstuff.ru and manually copy the dwrite.dll file into $HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/assettocorsa on EVERY upgrade. The zip installer built into CM doesn’t do this correctly on Linux. It will cause rain not to work if you choose to use the Patreon version if you don’t do this manual step.

    I think you should start over and make sure the assettocorsa directory is clean before re-installing the game. It could be missing fonts, but it’s hard to say. You can back it up somewhere if you have data in there you need.

  • What version of kde? I haven’t tried it, or read about it beyond the changelog, however the latest beta release says that it supports RDP to connect to plasma desktops which is quite an interesting development if it works the way it sounds like it does:

    Remote Desktop system integration to allow RDP clients to connect to Plasma desktops, plus a new page in System Settings for configuring this

    For the “from anywhere” component you could use a vpn, but if you’re looking for a simple solution with zero configuration than nomachine or rustdesk seem more appropriate. Just thought the RDP support was worth sharing.

  • If you want to monitor sleep with it charging at night isn’t possible, and remembering to charge every single day during the day is annoying in my opinion. Not everyone wants sleep monitoring though, or likes to sleep with a watch on, so I get why there’s some division on the subject.

    My pebble 2 hr lasts about 5 days and I’m very happy with that frequency of charging. I think it was a bit better when new but that was a long time ago.

  • FreeCAD is the way it is mostly because it’s not optimized by multi-billion dollar companies with teams of developers and UI/UX engineers. It’s very much the do-all-the-steps-your-self CAD package.

    That said, there are loads of bad or outdated video tutorials out there, and generally people tend to find one way to do a thing and then market their video as THE way to do it. Treat FreeCAD like Linux, there are lots of “correct” ways to use it, and also don’t expect it to be something it’s not.

    If you feel comfortable with it, it would be cool for you to make a short video of where you are stuck, or where you feel you are doing unnecessary steps, and maybe we can help you reach our goal in a simpler way?