that might be canceled out by drops in foreign weapons orders given the new mistrust (see Portugal canceling their F-35 orders).
that might be canceled out by drops in foreign weapons orders given the new mistrust (see Portugal canceling their F-35 orders).
I read Schmuck Chumer for a second
According to this reasoning CEOs don’t create value.
People using the word “intellect” in the same sentence as rogan makes the first part quite unbelievable too. Also, in my experience, people also refer to themselves as PhDs or physicians, because saying “doctor” outside of formally addressing one doesn’t reveal anything about what the person actually does other than their ““intellect””.
yup. story’s total bullshit.
To be clear, I don’t know you, and there’s nothing personal intended in my remark. I do know this learned helplessness, however. It’s just weird that the same Americans who shockingly often expect me to cure death (literally) suddenly behave like NPC’s bouncing off a wall when it comes to lowering gun deaths.
Please let me reassure you, thats inaccurate…
What’s inaccurate? I made like 5 statements.
Guns kill more school-aged kids than motor vehicle accidents and cancer (i had to recreate the stats from the CDC wonder database myself excluding anybody over 18 because schmucks kept on complaining about the NEJM article including 19-year-olds, which apparently invalidated the data, except that it didn’t)
Gun suicides are mostly committed using firearms from friends and relatives.
If you look at UK’s homicide stats and the US’s (BJS) homicide stats you can tell that actually the homicide rate difference is driven by firearms.
It’s a fact that it is much harder to kill someone including oneself without a gun.
States that have gun storage laws have lower firearm mortality in kids.
Blablabla on your trust me because I did some research. I’m in academia and published half a dozen (non-gun) epidemiology papers to date as a side hustle so I do know how to use the CDC databases. I’ve been forced to dive into the gun violence data because I’m really fed up with all the disinformation.
What I have seen no supportive evidence for to date is “that training professionals to identify perpetrators” (“hardening schools?”) has any effect on school shootings.
Now let’s see your papers.
and most people who think they are hard asses aren’t hard asses either. the country isn’t collapsing either. it’s just relinquishing its role of being the leading superpower and establishing techfeudalism.
so far, said weaponry’s main achievements are higher murder rates than anywhere in the west (interestingly, if you remove guns homicides, it evens out), and killing kids at a higher rate than cancer.
^OP, here’s the answer to your question
(Intellectual laziness and uncritical acceptance of propaganda).
School shootings are often carried out by juveniles who can’t lawfully get a gun.
Cut this crap, this isn’t reddit. Most kids them get the guns from a relative or friend who obtained it legally and adequate storage laws reduce both suicides and homicides in kids. BTW, guns kill more kids now than cancer or car accidents, but only in the US. Your take is the best example of americans being unconcerned about preventable deaths.
Step 1: Make insanely stupid design decision to save $2
Step 2: Sell reversal as an upgrade
if it were up to me, you wouldn’t be in this situation. i’m sorry if you can’t see the difference.
You’re comparing – what you perceive as – schadenfreude to fascism.
I stated that you perceive this as schadenfreude. I feel joyless anger about the incredible stupidity, and significant annoyance by the self-defeating double standard that equates my anger with fascists actually voting for this.
Also, seriously, your measure of greatness is NC not electing the Black nazi for governor?! I mean this fucking bar is really fucking low.
Schadenfreude or fascism, which are you?
Reading comprehension’s hard, eh?
And for the rest of us that live here?
Sorry bro, I can’t control your shitty neighbors’ votes either.
Ask Jamal Khashoogshi
Goodness, this guy is a fucking charlatan. Perfect man for the current administration.
You’re comparing – what you perceive as – schadenfreude to fascism. It’s just adding to this notion that for some reason, we hold MAGA voters to a different standard. No amount of “jeering” will ever be comparable with a vote for trump so if anybody’s angry at anybody, it should be those who enabled this.
Regardless, picking and choosing which people you help or care about based on politics is shitty and makes you no better than the current administration.
Bro, did you check where the bar went? Not storming the capitol is sufficient to be objectively better than the current admin.
One, people don’t seem to realize that many of the places hardest hit by Helene, like Asheville and the immediate area, are bastions of liberalism who voted for Harris by a 2 to 1 margin
Unless it exclusively hit Buncombe county and avoided the surrounding counties, it did hit a region that actually predominantly voted for this.
it is horrifying to jeer for someone losing their home regardless of who they or their neighbors voted for.
On one hand I agree. On the other, it’s much more horrifying that a track record of extorting governors for FEMA aid wasn’t an immediate presidential dealbreaker.
the hero we need to fight click bait