Oil came from plants before there were bacteria that can digest wood
Oil came from plants before there were bacteria that can digest wood
I sort by new comments, so this thread would have appeared in my feed because that previous person commented in it
It’s testicle size that tells you how often you need to fuck in a day. On that we’re moderate among the great apes
Long dicks hurt shallow vagina girls. You want a dick that exactly fits your girl
Girls you hurt aren’t going to be willing to fuck you in future
I think it says we’re better off than other animals. Human women would fuck multiple men, the men competed to have better dicks for extracting his cum and replace it with yours
Other animals fought for the chance to mate, it seemed like humans shared
Fucking a woman after someone else is so gay /s
If you meant a man had several female partners, you had the right word. Polyamory doesn’t care whether the person in charge is male or female. Polygamy means a man had many women
Consider that one of our two closest ape relatives is the bonobo. They settle arguments with head jobs, ask for favours the same way
We’re clearly not as bad as ducks
I don’t feel like it’s something you can choose. You may be able to resist it, but should you?
Liver is an excellent source of iron, for the animic people
Metallic iron isn’t very bioavailable
Pica is the medical term for eating things that aren’t food. Nails, rocks, dirt.
Pica seems a reasonable assumption
The alternative is that he ate them as a performance, but he must have performed a lot
Is it necessary irony that a person saying someone doesn’t know what they’re doing will also show a knowledge deficient?
I really need to watch Donny Darko. It’s like a hole in my soul that I’m missing it. Two holes. That and reservoir dogs.
Trainspotting was great, but it wasn’t a storm film
Have you seen lock, stock and two smoking barrels? (Also not a storm film and not a heroin film)
I recommend against being an early adopter. I’m a bit worried being a slightly late adopter of folding phones – I waited for pixel 9 – since I have already warranty replaced the two month old phone once for a complete failure of the internal screen (they said it was water damage, I replied with their water resistance rating)
You lost a bracket in your link
Until they burn or rot and release the carbon back into the air
Also trees only grow where trees grew in the past, so growing new forests will only capture the carbon that was released when the ops forest there was burnt or cut