• 68 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • That is probably some good theory crafting, but I have no idea as that is a level of psychology that is beyond me. (That sentence looks a little smart-ass, but it absolutely isn’t, btw. 100% curious.)

    Personally, I can say is that I tend avoid foods that cause pain and may even subconsciously steer away from them too. I don’t actively seek out things like tomato sauce, but wouldn’t likely turn down a free spaghetti meal either.

    I do also tend to prefer cereal and milk, generally heavy fiber types. Antacids are great, but sometimes, just giving my stomach something harder to break down works fine too.

  • Just stay away from nearly anything that uses “healing ions” in its marketing material. If it’s not a straight-up fake product, it’ll likely kill you in due time. (Ozone generators are an exception unless you get a beefy one like mine, and then it can actually kill you.)

    Edit: lol! I have seen that video and made my comment about ions before I clicked it. Good video, btw. 5 stars.

  • For anyone else reading, baking soda can save you hundreds of dollars on regular antacids. One you get past the taste and train your body it brings relief, it’ll be tasting like champagne soon enough.

    LPT: Baking soda and water can burn your mouth and lips after a time as well, so keep it fairly dilute. More is sometimes needed, but not always better.

    Second LPT: Get a second small box of baking soda for heartburn use and keep it sealed in a Ziploc or something. It will absorb all kinds of stuff out of the air and end up tasting really bad. (Name-brand baking sodas tend to taste a little less fishy as well, but not by much.)

    Sorry, I know more about baking soda now than I care to admit. It’s really a super interesting chemical, even in its simplicity.

  • I was hoping that my heartburn would go away after I quit drinking a couple of years ago, but instead, it got worse. Honestly, that it’s probably because I started to form an actual diet and my stomach didn’t know what the fuck to do.

    Sigh. I am hoping this current mega-cycle of proton-pump inhibitors helps. It’s been a fairly high dose for about quadruple the normal length of time, so it might actually stick this time.

  • Kale has a naturally high pH, so it’s basically just an antacid. If it works consistently for you, keep it up. No point in taking industrial strength meds for something simple, after all.

    The class of drugs for my kind of heartburn are proton-pump inhibitors and help limit acid production across the board. It’s good these are over the counter now as I am on a 2x dose, but have been as high as 4x before.

    I switched from standard antacids to just water and baking soda my stomach was so bad. Kale wouldn’t have put a dent in my stomach acid, TBH. I drink a ton of water these days, and even if the pH of the water was off by a hair, it would be a bad time.

    I probably might be able to cut my dosage back or even stop soon hopefully. It’s one of the few drugs that are actually supposed to provide a long term solution.

  • Just curious, was there a recent event that happened that affects more than just you? Just curious, s’all.

    So. I have had a decent amount of time to think about this kind of thing and I have just become very aware about what I consider private information. If something is super private, I take the appropriate steps to ensure absolute and super paranoid levels of security.

    However, there isn’t much that I could be blackmailed for because if there wasn’t an absolute expectation of privacy from the start, I just expect most information to be public anyway.

    Most “general human things” I still wouldn’t care about. Someone has naked pictures of me they want to share? “Uh. Why?” would be my first question. I am not much different and any of the other billions of humans out there, so if you want to see those, knock yourself out. (I just won’t go out of my way to make or distribute that stuff.)

    You caught me going to a porn site on my free time where I had the expectation of privacy? Sorry, but many people do that and again, I’m just being human, so fuck off.

    I think at the end of the day, I have seen (and done) so much stupid shit that it takes a lot to bother me. While my experience probably doesn’t help you at this moment, it’s fairly important to be aware of your own feelings in cases like this.

    In the most kind way possible: If all else fails and you cannot rationalize the current situation, remember that very few people know or even care about you specifically. Sure, you have friends and family! If they are “real” friends, nothing can get in the way of that friendship. Family is family. The rest of the world? Bah. Fuck 'em.

    Financial loss is another beast and a pain to deal with. Work with your bank and credit cards companies to resolve what you can, if that is the case.

    Regardless, time fixes all so hang in there!