robinnn [he/him]

“I… am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood” — John Brown

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2024

  • like “NATO is inherently escalatory”, with no further explanation on why banding together against an aggressor to preserve everyone’s peace is somehow “escalation” while publicly plotting attacks against all your European neighbours

    Operation Gladio (support for Nazis and other far-right groups in Turkey, West Germany, Greece, etc., use of false-flag terrorism and propaganda to rig elections in Italy to prevent the rise of communist countries that would align with the Soviets), Libya (bombing of innocents and destruction of the country, support for racist mercenaries who later brought back the open slave trade), participation in the brutal imperialist bombing of Afghanistan, this is the history of NATO’s “preservation of peace.” NATO is an organization created to maintain Western supremacy, and to act like it’s simply a “defensive alliance” “banding together against an aggressor” is fundamentally dishonest nonsense. Who is not thinking (let alone critically)?

    As others in the comments have shown, Angela Merkel already admitted peace agreements were made to stall and arm Ukraine against Russia, so who is “publicly plotting attacks against European neighbors”?

  • If your country was suddenly invaded and had 1200 mostly civilian, including women and children gunned down in one of your cities, including shooting up a concert, and your country had the means to stop it from happening again, would they?

    Ignoring that your country is a settler-colony built upon the land of the displaced people resisting, and that this concert was right next to the fence of a concentration camp housing the repressed native population, that Hamas exists because of Israel, and that Israel’s own helicopters shot up the crowds and their own forces blew up houses killing many of the total, and everything else, I hate this framing.

    So that’s the reason. Isreal was attacked with no regard by a country that ran by a group of people after the goal of completely eliminating Isreals existence.

    “It is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. These too are forms of avoiding reality. This is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people.

    Why do we have to make up a new name for the war every other week, just to avoid calling it by its name. What’s so horrifying about understanding that the entire Palestinian people is the enemy? …the morality of war (yes, there is such a thing) is founded on the assumption that there are wars in this world, and that war is not the normal state of things, and that in wars the enemy is usually an entire people, including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.

    They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there”

    — Uri Elitzur, former chief of staff and advisor to PM Benjamin Netanyahu; shared by Ayelet Shaked, Israel’s Minister of Justice (2015-2019) and Minister of Interior (2021-2022), in 2015

    Read up on the open admissions of Israeli leaders and Zionists. Israel itself exists as a country by eradicating the native population and it will continue to do so to its ability.

    But what would you feel your country would be justified to do if they were invaded by surprise like that? Would they make sure it couldn’t happen again? Would you feel it was justified? It may not be a clear yes or no answer, or where a line should be drawn.

    If my country were a brutal genocidal state built on the repression of the native population? I’m not denying the Zionist entity is doing everything to keep their state afloat and expand it; their motives are not unknown. But to put me in their shoes as if that justifies anything is ridiculous nonsense that could be applied to numerous scenarios you wouldn’t like.

  • that’s the thing with dictatorships.

    Thanks for admitting you were being dishonest about his condition. China is not a dictatorship. You have no idea how their system works. There are committee elections at all levels where delegates are selected by the people (with tiers leading to the NPC), and the CPC (~1 in 10 eligible as members) leadership is determined by democratic centralism with elections at party committees and congresses up to the Central Committee.

    I’m not denying the holocaust, your denying another genocide!

    It’s not a genocide. Not only has nobody been killed (except by the US-backed terror attacks), Uyghur culture is uplifted in the media and on the ground. People have to rely on the shoddy research [1] [2] of a bigoted Christian nationalist that works for a US government foundation started by Nazi collaborators (Zenz), awful reports by the BBC where they are let into education facilities and openly distort information, and numerous NED-funded orgs or MIC thinktanks whose evidence amounts to nothing.

    Regarding the former, Adrian Zenz and James Mulvenon (former member of the U.S. state adjacent Council on Foreign Relations and member of the National Committee on United States - China Relations, which along with the Defense Group Inc.—of which he is vice-president–provides military policy planning and assessments to the United States Government) affirmed some anonymously leaked ICIJ “China Cable” Documents, one of which is a top-secret telegram which the ICIJ describes as:

    “…from the Communist Party commission in charge of Xinjiang’s security apparatus. The telegram, written in Chinese, is an operations manual for running the mass detention camps. It is marked ‘secret’ and was approved by Zhu Hailun, then deputy secretary of Xinjiang’s Communist Party and the region’s top security official.”

    Clearly what we have here is a document meant for only the highest levels of the bureaucracy, one which will divulge the actual thought process and rationale behind re-education policy, and cannot be construed as propaganda.

    The document begins with a set of guidelines for running the facilities. First is “[to] ensure that the training venue is absolutely safe].” The guidelines follow:

    “It is strictly forbidden for police to enter the student zone with guns, and they must never allow escapes, never allow trouble… never allow food safety incidents and major epidemics, and they must ensure the training center is safe and free of risk”

    “Through letter writing, phone calls, video chats, visits, meetings, etc., establish a mechanism for students and relatives to interact with each other, to that the ensure students will have a phone conversation with their relatives at least once a month, to make their family feel at ease and the students feel safe.”

    “…every effort should be made to fix employment work for completed graduates to ensure the smooth development of students with employment aspirations. For those who don’t have the ability to work and have difficulties in life, it is necessary to coordinate grassroots organizations to seriously carry out assistance and relief work, and effectively solve practical difficulties.”

    There are further notes on strict time management, preventing earthquakes and fires, and also measures to surveil all areas. These seem comparable to prisons, which is in line with the highest facilities being reserved for radicalized terrorists (bulletin No. 20 deals with those spreading violent propaganda / those who have joined terrorist organizations). When considering that the United States promoted terrorist radicalization in Xinjiang, such things lose isolation. The document outlines a very strict process, but one not mentioning forced anti-religious practices such as consuming pork or alcohol [The Independent 29 May 2018], organ harvesting [Falun Gong cult allegations], forced labor [U.S. Dept. of Labor], or physical abuse/torture (again, we cannot make a case of propaganda, because these are again purportedly top-secret documents).