• 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024


  • No, the solution is to openly defy the gag order constantly. It is a fact, it is related to campaing funding and therefore relevant to politics.

    Fuck decorum when the Republicans constantly ignore it.

    Republican leaders have frequently allowed their members to trample on the rules of decorum without repercussion in other contexts as well, including when Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia insulted the makeup of Representative Jasmine Crockett, Democrat of Texas, during a committee hearing. Mr. Comer declined to take down her words, as Democrats demanded, and allowed her to continue participating.

  • snooggums@midwest.socialtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldfriendly reminder
    2 days ago

    The current right wing government also doesn’t represent every citizen of Israel either, but it is ok to use ‘Israel’ as a shorthand for the actions of the current right wing government when the actions are a continuation of decades of similar colonialism and the government is in power due to how the majority of the population voted.

    So hatred against everyone in Israel is also wrong, but saying Israel is committing genocide doesn’t require saying it is the current government.

    This meme should say “The actions of Israel does not represent the will of all Jews,”

    Edit: I expect everyone who down voted also refrains from using Russia, China, or the United States and other names of countries when making criticisms for consistency. “Russia didn’t invade Ukraine, the current Putin led government did.”