A very good app is Liftago when in Prague
You can also order a ride via their website. No registration needed.
A very good app is Liftago when in Prague
You can also order a ride via their website. No registration needed.
Fabini makes great kitchenware, including knives. Got a steel pan and a knife from them. Both are best i ever had in these categories.
Husky is missing on that list
I doubt that. Last time they conquered Egyptian soil they traded it for peace with Egypt.
Damn, now I want one too. We have them on tap where i come from.
i also got the dm. I blocked her because i thought it was some spam account. Is it not?
It tastes great! I always recommend it as a Czech refreshing drink to my friends from abroad who don’t know it. But i have learned not to compare it with Cola anymore. Its not a cola alternative. It has its own unique and delicious taste. The only thing that it has similar to coke is the color and fizzyness. Tastewise it is superior to Cola in my opinion because it is not so sweet. And it tastes much more of herbs.
When i advertise it as coke-like to friends from abroad they just seem to think this is shitty coke. When you say look this is a super refreshing drink that tastes a bit of herbs and it is pretty unique in its taste, they tend to be pleasantly surprised.
Well done! :-D
If you look closely the tank is smoking. Possibly they thought it was “dead,” already.
Mapy.cz, or now also mapy.com apparenly, offer the best tool by far for people who go on foot or bike. I think google is still better as a car navigation, but as far as tourism goest i this has no match. City or countryside - it doesnt matter. Want to know where you can find a watterspout in a city? Info is there. Want to know where the nearest restroom is? Info is there. Tiny paths through every forrest or desert? Got it. Paraglide takeoff spot? Also. Every bench, childrens playground, large tree, powerlines, POI, bike trail, crosscountry skiing.