Proud multicrafter, making cool stuff and all over the Fediverse like a rash. Find my various stuff at

Gamedev alter ego:

  • 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Making things, mostly.

    Lots of crafts like knitting, crochet, cross stitch, sewing, felting, origami, faffing about with clay, etc etc. And gamedev which I basically think of as the same sort of hobby because it’s just making a different sort of thing.

    Making YouTube videos about all of the above, in defiance of the algorithm gods.

    Reading any and all scifi I can get my hands on, plus the Discworld series just over and over again endlessly on a loop.

    Also the amount of time I spend on Mastodon and Lemmy probably means it counts as a rather lame hobby at this point…

  • I think it’s just a misunderstanding. With most other Fedi software, servers federate via the users themselves following content from other servers and then the admins have control over whether to sever that connection by defederating. With PeerTube it doesn’t work that way, federation is controlled by the admin of each server in the first place and they tend to keep the list quite short (on a particular theme, or just servers by other admins they trust, or whatever).

    I expect the fundamental reasons for that are the expense of hosting video content and also the risk of extremely NSFL material if you throw the doors open by default. It definitely results in a lot of behaviours that seem very strange if you’re used to the usual fedi way of doing things.

  • Oh well, I suppose the silver lining is that our craft doesn’t waste the materials so we can just use them for something else.

    It’s been two and a half years of banning myself from knitting shawls and in January I just decided to allow myself to try one for a very specific purpose. Funnily enough, it’s using the grey that was rescued from this failed project and has just been sitting there since! Fingers crossed things go a bit better this time :D

  • As much as I love Lemmy, it’s just honestly not ready for another big influx yet. The 0.19 update broke so much, it really brought home how precarious this whole thing still is. Those of us who are here either a) kind of enjoy the jank because it feels like an adventure b) were morally outraged enough to make a stand against Reddit or c) both.

    I have a very small amount of influence in the niche community of fibre crafts and especially cross stitch. Would I be able to explain Lemmy to my audience in a way that made sense and that they might even want to try out? Absolutely. Would I actually do that until it’s a bit more stable? Absolutely not, apart from a couple of specific individuals that I’m already working on.

    Trying to force people to join platform B when platform A is already serving their needs makes no sense. You need to find the people who are dissatisfied, the people that would actually benefit from trying something new, and then make sure they’re aware of the option.

    Don’t get me wrong through, I do encourage people to learn about and dip their toes into the Fediverse in general. Just last week I convinced a wave of fibre crafters (often older ladies who have barely ever ventured outside of Facebook) to try out Mastodon and Pixelfed and some of them have really taken to it! Alt text and content warnings and everything! One or two fellow YouTubers are even setting up PeerTube channels to bring over more crafting content.

    Why did I tell them to join Mastodon over Lemmy? I’m literally moderator of ! and ! so surely it’s in my best interests to bring them over here?

    No. I know the demographic, I know what they’re annoyed about with big social media, and I thought Mastodon / Pixelfed were the best replacements for them.

    As much as we would all love to see Lemmy become huge, you have to meet people where they’re at. If Lemmy is genuinely the best choice for everyone who is currently in /r/adelaide or whatever, then brilliant, your strategy makes sense. But if it’s not actually in their best interests, if they’re just going to be annoyed by things breaking and not see enough value to make it worthwhile, then there’s no point doing it just because you wish Lemmy was bigger.

    Maybe the moral of this story is that the real strategy you want to be looking at is getting tiny niche influencers on side! 😄