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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • I agree with you here in premise, pal.

    The “who” they’re attacking is my mother in law. She believes all modern cancer treatments are bad because she’s done her research. She would likely cut off anyone who has had a chemo treatment she feels so strongly about this.

    She goes to “children’s health alliance” type seminars and fundraisers and gives them money. She spreads anti vaccination propaganda to her friends, family and any stranger that will listen to her.

    She went to nursing school (didn’t graduate) 55 years ago, so she has “knowledge and experiences in these matters”.

    She prints out articles and tapes them around the house for when she has company. She email blasts and pastes articles or videos in group messaging feeds. She is right and nothing will change her mind. Evidence and logical rebuttals are met with “deep state” and “big pharmaceutical companies” retorts.

    The crazy thing is, it’s a mix of truth and lies which blurs the lines of what you can call out and can’t, and she loves to change the subject as soon as one brings up a point she can’t refute. Raising her voice makes her arguments that much more true.

    Now dear reader you must be thinking “How exhausting. What a waste of time to even engage this!” That would be correct, and I don’t. But the point is to bait and draw people into these conversations and although that isn’t me, it’s successful here and there for her to win and feel validated with all of this energy.

    The worst part? Her family loves her and seeks her approval so many of them buy into it all. Including those with kids now going unvaccinated.

    So I hear your initial point, but this type of questioning could lead to someone being shut down properly if enough were to hit a “I did my research” perpetrator like my MIL. This isn’t about “top 5 ways to fix your AC condenser unit when it stops” type research.