• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I find it weird that you count cops possibly coming as a risk for AMPs but not AAMPs.

    For me, it seems like it is the exact opposite. An AMP is a legit business. They have permits and are in a commercially zoned area and everything. I don’t have to call them or put anything in writing. If cops kicked down the door mid jerk, there isn’t any evidence of wrongdoing.

    But AAMPs are residential areas or hotels. If I walk in and there’s a cop there, I can’t say that I was just there for a massage. The only way to even get there is through sites that pretty explicitly say they are for sexual services.

    That risk is one of the reasons I’m hesitating trying out an AAMP. It just feels like the risk is too high. Meanwhile, the main risks with AMPs are that I won’t get what I want and that there could be a hidden camera. But considering that a hidden camera is also an even more likely possibility at an AAMP, that doesn’t seem like a unique risk.

    I’m still circling the drain when it comes to trying an AAMP. I will do it sooner or later. But for now, a good AMP seems much safer than any AAMP.

  • The massage is a significant part of my enjoyment of AMPs. I do actually have stiffness and pain from an old injury that the massage actually helps. And part of the enjoyment is the MT sensually rubbing me and the ability to touch their legs and stuff.

    So that would definitely suck for me. I’ve had a few bad massages, but 90% of them have been at least OK.

    What is annoying to me is the lack of table showers in my area. There’s only a handful that have them and I’ve only found one so far that does it well. Worst yet, some of these places will have table showers listed on RM, but don’t actually have them. I assume they had them in the past.

  • I am trying to wind down my AMP experience, but I want to experience something similar to this before I do.

    I’m still newish to mongering and I’m not in a huge metro area that has a bunch of options so the pickings aren’t amazing. And I’m trying to avoid indies, they are above my risk threshold. The ones I’ve found around here are less subtle and basically escorts working out hotels.

    I’ve gotten a few fingers up there but the experience left a lot to be desired. Too rushed and rough to be enjoyable. So the quest continues.