Also valid!
Also valid!
That’s fair.
Thank you for the information! Boy, seems like a lot happened in 2020 for some reason.
This post is the second time today I’ve seen an Animorphs reference. Before those, I hadn’t thought about the franchise in years and wouldn’t have remembered that controllers were a thing. Strange, since the book series was a huge part of my childhood.
In case you’re curious, the other one was a JonTron video. I think he was caught in some kind of scandal, so I’m not sure whether to still like him, but I did enjoy the video. I was also somewhat astounded to realize Shawn Ashmore was Jake.
I do like drinking juice.
What is RIP EB?
Pretty sure I’ve never seen anyone else use the phrase “couched it” in this context. Well done.
I saw Google do this before I saw Microsoft do it.
So, obviously, Google is the hero and without flaw.
While you’re not wrong, it seems like you could have shortened your post to just the first three words.
Generally, it seems that subways are underground, so that makes sense.
An erstwhile co-worker would say “a low bar to stumble over.”
What an interesting linking strategy.
Also, I have to assume you’re Jerry Smith.
Your comment makes me think of P versus NP.
Good luck! I’d be thrilled to know what you think.
This was my introduction to him!
I first saw him in Hell on Wheels.
Connect offers this as well.