I do art and stuff, I also have a tumblr and a bluesky account.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2025


  • I’ve definitely shied away from posting anything on my own projects as engage on those sorts of things tends to be incredibly low even when art is involved and tbh i do this as a hobby not a job so I’m not really that dedicated on making my own work overly presentable. I’ve found I generally prefer to have discussion on a specific topic rather than a share your own idea type prompt. So for example, what would art be like for a telepathic species be like? ect. At least that generally the stuff i prefer to interact with most of the time.

  • I also think gaming now a days just feels different and not in a childhood wonder sort of way but a walking into an obscure bookstore kind of way. Social media makes learning about a video game way too easy. Spoilers are hard to avoid and the more people talk about a game the less novel it feels. I didn’t spend much time on forums as a kid so most games i learned about was via word of mouth or from demo disks. I’ll never forget my first play through of Halo 1 on the OG xbox. Played it coop with my bro. Was completely scared shitless when the flood was introduced. No one told me there were zombies in my shoot man game. Like no one talked about it. Good times.

  • I’ve approached this with my own aliens, a species which can routinely live to 1,000 years due to advancements in medical technology. Their average life span in generally between 700-800 years so a long time. For them technological development didn’t actually move slower in comparison, as there’s a lot of factors that goes into developing tech with the environment, locale economics, and geopolitics playing a much larger role in general. But one thing of note, because they live so long this gives them the opportunity to become skilled in a variety of trades in comparison to other short lived sophonts which means they tend to prefer technology that’s more geared towards increases in individual productivity and self-sufficiency than say mercantilism or mass commerce.

    I’d imagine generational differences would be pretty extreme if they developed so quickly. Early cultures didn’t really have a concept of futurisms or progression, life was cyclical. If tech advancement was faster and occurred over the course of a single generation, this greatly changes their perspective of religion and the world around them. The idea of “progressing” might flavor their words perspective much earlier in their history than with us. I’m still developing this part for my own aliens

  • I like the idea of self driving cars, especially for people with mobility issues but they’ll never be safe enough for use without their own infrastructure because of the complexity and also terrible design of American roads. Personally I think its better to spend our tax dollars on building better public transit and human sized transportation methods but the absurd amount of push back from both the populace and also the government basically guarantees it isn’t going to happen in my life time. But i generally don’t see the self-driving car experiment working out in the long run.

  • Personally i don’t see VR as the future of gaming, VR is all about an increase in immersion which isn’t always what you want in a video game. It’ll be its own unique thing. As to whether or not it’ll remain niche entirely depends on how the technology develops and its ease of use. From what i tell now, and what VR will probably be used for predominately (and well its mostly being used this way anyway) is socializing. Yeah you can play video games with it but I think the primary drive for VR for a lot of people will be what is essentially digital chatroom, movies, theme parks basically VR chat and things like it.

  • people like larger phones because they like social media. For people in developing countries a cell phone is their only personal computer so for them having larger screen more preferable. People just like larger phones. I loath them because I don’t have pockets. I could probably live with a dumb phone, but mobile banking, and maps are too useful of a feature for me to live without out. tbh unless your a power user or gamer there really isn’t much of a reason to upgrade your cellphone anyway