The First Amendment applies to everyone and this is clearly a violation of that. Put your hand down, we won’t call you again, kid.
What they were hoping for: Their voted party to make things miserable for their enemies and for them to benefit since they voted.
Reality: Their voted party is going around dismantling, liquidating and destroying safety nets that said voters rely on. Everyone is screwed.
Not bright thinking, not bright.
And they all died because one psychopathic old fart simply just wanted to take over majority of or the entire country of another for personal gain.
It’s not the funding that’s the problem, it’s the credibility and trust that the Dems have cratered that needs repairing.
Oh and it isn’t like Americans over 30 are any happier?
I say it’s a little more than that as well. We’re seeing and hearing people, make sacrifices in their lives that they didn’t think they’d have to make. Like deciding against having a kid, why? Because the pay isn’t good enough anymore for single-family. People having to decide when to specifically shop and go without necessities, why? Inflation. People having to upset their entire living to try and go elsewhere in town or even another state, why? High rates. Why are people knee deep in credit card debt? Having to take out personal loans? Or any loan? Why are people looking to be with someone, just so they can have someone else simply help out expenses?
It’s not a damn mystery.
It tells us that, we live in a country and a world, where evil entitled assholes, drastically outweigh the people doing the right thing.
In a perfect world, Whistleblowers would be praised, Snowden would get a Medal of Freedom and insurrectionists would be jailed or put to death for traitorous crimes of old.
But, reality doesn’t agree with that, whistlerblowers are committing suicide, Snowden is permanently in Russia because he’d likely be in prison by the US and insurrectionists are pardoned.
Where and when did we fucking go wrong?
Expressed condolences, more like their way of saying “thanks for not taking this very far, buddy”. This is disgraceful.
People need to understand space and respect it. Not everyone needs to be communicating every single hour of every single day. If you can’t handle that, then you probably have an insecurity.
HDMI Cable + Dumb TV + Computer with adblockers = ad-free streaming.
Lol, they want to go public in this disastrous economy.
And with education being gutted, we can expect them to not really learn anything or better understand.
Your only options is to self-host, otherwise But since it is constantly under threats, you’re left to self-host.
Musk, if you cared about your fragile reputation, you should never have entered politics in the first place. We would’ve just been back to hating you because you’re the richest and the symbol of capitalism.
But we hate you because not only are you that, but you happily stomp over things you don’t care to understand why it is important to have them in the first place that so many Americans rely on. You are Trump’s bitch, you got here because he rewarded you for supporting him, like he has with all of his corrupt buddies.
Get the fuck out of politics, dissolve your stupid tongue-in-cheek government branch and fuck off.
27 is never too late. What would you have preferred to do everything by? 22? 25?
You will always have multiple opportunities while you still have spring in you at 27. I argue that its the 40s, are when you typically should have an idea as to how to go about your life by. The 20s and 30s are the decades of your life where you’re figuring it out, molding, chiseling and anything. Once you’re out of those decades and you’re in the 40s, still lost as to what to do and how to do it. You’re going to have quite a life crisis on your hands.
It is not entirely over, sure a lot of time you’ve described has indeed been pissed away. But you’re not exactly at a point of no return. People in their 20s typically do a lot of mistakes that would bite them in the ass later in life because they followed the everyone-else’s club way of living life. When there are so many directions to go in for yourself, you don’t need to abide by their standards. It is actually mature of you that you do seem to sit and think of this stuff but really you’ll be wasting a lot more time kicking yourself and before you know it, you will eventually reach that point of no return.
I get depressed sometimes too about Lemmy and the state of it. I love questions, for example. And I feel there aren’t a lot of interesting or good questions being asked for people to answer. It’s always about personal problem suggestions, some political baiting or whatever. And they’d go quiet for a while until more of those are posted again. AskReddit, while repetitious at times, had a lot of questions asked by the hour. Lemmy doesn’t have that.
On paper, Lemmy has a lot of users of its own, but you can’t say the same for activity. In practice, you will see the same old users basically try to carry instances on their backs when they’re the only ones posting.
And the reality of it is, is that Lemmy has absorbed Reddit’s rejects. I’m talking, reddit users who were a problem over in Reddit, probably got banned enough times to be IP/shadow-ban on sight, now they come here. And it is obvious how badly they shit up the place unapologetically.
I know the Fediverse has a long way to go to be an established platform and alternative for people to escape from the other platforms, but if this is the kind of direction it is going, it’s going to take twice as long or might not have a future.
It’s supposed to do that though, just like any other vehicle notification. That’s why they install all of those light indicators. Check Engine. Low Fuel. All of those things.
Not a screen that pops up telling you specifically that you have some days left to service your vehicle. Especially in all places, where you start up your vehicle, where your MPH is measured .etc
I think the reasons behind these are:
9/11 - Muslim-related. Something Trump has targeted before, huh, imagine that. But 9/11 wasn’t all about muslims, it was just started by a terrorist group of muslims.
Holocaust - Jewish-related. Something suggests Trump has a conflicted interest on, since he helps Israel commit more genocide, so this one is a confused subject. Is he implying that he secretly hates Jews? Or placating to the haters in his voterbase that are anti-semitic?
“What’s 2 + 4?”
“Where is Copper on the elemental table?”
“If Jimmy bought 3 apples for 5 cents a piece, how many apples would he need to buy to reach $2?”
Yeah right.